Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Keep America Beautiful...With A Giveaway!

This year NESTLÉ Pure Life is a national sponsor of The Great American Cleanup, one of Keep America Beautiful’s principle projects that supports its mission to preserve and protect our environment. NESTLÉ Pure Life would love for you to get involved in your community!  One lucky US reader will win four free packs of NESTLÉ Pure Life and two fling bins to collect recyclables. It’s fun way to get kids involved and teach them the importance of recycling early on! To enter, share your own recycling tip you (a tip on how you recycle or reuse a product or how you make recycling easier)  in a comment below. Follow me on Google/Networked Blogs/Facebook/Twitter for one entry each follow. Links are on my sidebar. Follow my new blog, Away We Go, with Google/GFC for two extra entries! Giveaway ends midnight June 22, 2011. Good luck! Check out the Keep America Beautiful website to find out how to get involved in the Great American Cleanup locally.
Disclosure: I was sent a prize pack in exchange for this mention.


debbie said...

I went to Kroger's flower dept. and they gave me several black plastic empty pots. I use them to plant extra tomatoes in. This is the third year I have used some of them.

LeChondra said...

Instead of throwing away bottles and liters, I make my koolaid in them so that I will not have to waste those bottles.

sweepmom said...

I save yogurt containers to use to pack leftovers in so guests can take them home after parties and there is no worry of getting the container back.

susan said...

We try to make it easier by having sorting bins to quickly recycle them right away instead of letting it build up.

susan said...

I follow on Google.

susan said...

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Anonymous said...

My children love to make bird feeders out of milk jugs
thank you

Anonymous said...

thank you

Anonymous said...

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thank you

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thank you

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thank you

GabbyLowe said...

We are lucky because they pick up bottles and paper at or house but we also save batteries and ink cartitridges and bring them to collection sites


GabbyLowe said...


network blogs

GabbyLowe said...


follow away we go

GabbyLowe said...


FB-Laura Deluca

GabbyLowe said...



GabbyLowe said...


follow away we go #1

susitravl said...

We use empty jars to store leftovers, instead of plastic containers or ziploc bags.

Becca Ann said...

I reuse plastic containers from like cool whip or pasta salads,we keep them to store leftovers in..

Becca Ann said...

I follow on gfc

April said...

I use empty bottles as birdfeeders, and my son uses empty boxes as the covers on notebooks he sells.

Erica C. said...

We make recycling easier by having a bin for recyclables right next to our trash can. The fling bin would be nice to use.

Anonymous said...

we have a garbage can outside that is for all cans and bottles. When it's full, it goes off to the dump with our other trash.

saturdaynightfever said...

We put coffee grounds in our flower beds!


SalanderServant said...

We re-use paper grocery bags, again and again, to haul recyclables to our local center.

fatally_flayed at yahoo dot com

SalanderServant said...

Follow Away We Go on GFC. Salander Servant 1

SalanderServant said...

Follow Away We Go on GFC. Salander Servant 2

SalanderServant said...

GFC follow this blog. SalanderServant

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Added you on FB. SalanderServant

SalanderServant said...

Networked Blogs follower. Fatally_Flayed

SalanderServant said...

I am a Twitter follower. Fatally_Flayed

Unknown said...

We compost all that we can. trinitygsd at yahoo do tocm

degood said...

We have curbside recycling pick up every week and put as much as we can in that and then we also compost our food waste in a worm bin.


degood said...

I follow you on gfc as degood


degood said...

I follow away we go on gfc as degood



degood said...

I follow away we go on gfc as degood



susansmoaks said...

i reuse plastic bags as garbage bags in my small cans throughout the house
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

NeraCaligula said...

I use yogurt cups to start seeds in before planting in the garden. I also reuse plastic grocery bags in the bathroom and bedroom trash cans.

nera_caligula at yahoo dot com

NeraCaligula said...

GFC follower (NeraCaligula)

nera_caligula at yahoo dot com

NeraCaligula said...

Twitter follower (@NeraCaligula)

nera_caligula at yahoo dot com

NeraCaligula said...

#1--GFC follower of Away We Go (NeraCaligula)

nera_caligula at yahoo dot com

NeraCaligula said...

#2--GFC follower of Away We Go (NeraCaligula)

nera_caligula at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

We have an outside recycling bin outside, but not inside. Consequently, things that COULD be recycled were constantly ending up in the kitchen trash can. Since the kitchen can is next to the back door, I take a plastic bad from when I grocery shop and hang it on the back door handle and put the items to be recycled in it! It serves as a reminder! It's not pretty, but it DOES work! And when it is full, I just take the bag and toss it into the outside recycling can!
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

I follow you via GFC (Cataroo)!
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Networked Blogs (Dara Nix)!
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

I already follow you on Twitter (@Kitty32504)
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

We are already Facebook friends (Dara Nix)!
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

I already follow Away We Go via GFC (Cataroo)! Entry #1
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

I already follow Away We Go via GFC (Cataroo)! Entry #2
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Hbomb said...

We reuse whatever we can, and always use water bottles instead of buying more plastic ones.
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Hbomb said...

gfc - hbomb
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Hbomb said...

away we go gfc #1 - hbomb
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Hbomb said...

away we go gfc #2 - hbomb
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

EmmaPeel said...

tip- make mini disposabel wash pails out of 1/2 gallon jugs of water or milk, very convenient

EmmaPeel said...

GFC follow this blog.

EmmaPeel said...

I do like you on facebook as Emm Enger


Rachel said...

we have three recycle bins in the garage we put everything in to be recycled

Rachel said...

follow Away We Go via gfc #1

Rachel said...

follow Away We Go via gfc #2

giggling kids said...

We use the gallon distilled water, so instead of throwing all the bottles away we use them to keep water in the fridge.


kolpin said...

i reuse newspapers as wrapping paper

kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...

gfc follower kolpin
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...

gfc follower kolpin
Away We Go
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...

gfc follower kolpin
Away We Go
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

cman said...

I reuse my husband's glass tea jars for pasta, grains and beans.

cman said...

I follow Away We Go GFC.

cman said...

I follow Away We Go GFC. 2

Anonymous said...

We donate all of our old clothes. garrettsambo@aol.com