
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Treatment Four: The Strawberry Laser!

We went in for our fourth laser treatment a while back. I forgot to take pictures! So i am featuring some of the photos that were shared. I can't wait to look this good! 

So after my last treatment, I am down another 4 inches. I was hoping for more, but 4 is still impressive. I am going back tomorrow for my fifth treatment and more photos to share. I am still holding at a 25 pound weight loss. I have started using some weights at home. I am taking things really slow because I don't want to overdo anything with my previous back surgeries. Baby steps! 

My thoughts on the laser is still extremely positive. I don't think I have added any inches back, my skin is tightening more than expected, and I feel really good about the results I have and I can't wait to see the end results. I have retired old jeans that I can no longer wear. I can still wear my size and the next one up (barely) but it won't be long before they have to go too. I am getting close to pulling out old clothes that I've had packed away for years, and I am almost ready to buy some new things. I want to drop another 20 pounds before I start spending a lot of money on temporary clothes though because I am going all the way. I have set goals for this year and next summer. With the laser treatments, I feel like I can accomplish that, and not have the skin issues I was so afraid of. 

As always, each treatment required no downtime. I laid on a table with the laser around my waist. Twenty minutes later, I got up, stood on a vibrating platform (I have one at home now too!) and drank a lot of water. During the treatment, you feel a gentle warming where the lasers are applied. You can read, chat, check emails, or anything else you'd like to do during your treatment. You continue to lose after the treatment too! Keep an eye out soon for a new post and photos after treatment 5!

 Check out treatment one,  two and three! And please, if you have any questions about my experience, please message me on facebook or send me an email. I would be glad to tell you more.

Disclosure: Please seek the advice of a doctor before having treatments. The results shown above are mine and my husband's and while I expect you to have similar results, I have no control over the outcome. The photos above have not been retouched. I did not pay for these treatments and I did not receive financial compensation to post this. If you would like to speak to me regarding my treatment of experience, you can find me on Facebook. My link is on the sidebar.

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