
Monday, August 4, 2014

Third Treatment With The Strawberry Laser!

I made the decision to get healthy this year. The biggest motivation was now that I am no longer homeschooling, I didn't want my kids to be embarrassed by my size when I went to school functions. I've never been insecure really, I am who I am, but  I had to do this for them AND myself. I also miss wearing cute clothes :)

I have a ways to go, but I am down more than twenty pounds. I have been watching my portion size and weaning off of Coke. That is my weakness. I don't eat a lot, but I do eat late at night while I am working. I often skip breakfast and lunch. I am doing my best to make myself eat small meals more frequently. I am eating a little healthier, but I am not doing without the foods that I love. Those changes have made a huge difference in my life, but the Strawberry Laser has made an even bigger difference! The above photos are me, before my first treatment and after my last (third) treatment. My shape has changed rapidly. I only wish they had a full body sleeve that I could wear, so I would slim down all over! My contours are smoothing out and my skin is tighter. I have always seen differences with my before and after photos, but after comparing the photos above, I know this was the right decision for me. These are the changes over three weeks!!! One treatment each week.

My last treatment was done Monday. I lost another 6.2 inches. My husband also lost inches! I don't think I've lost a full size yet, but only because my hips have stayed the same, unfortunately. Most of the clothes I am wearing are a little big since I had lost a few pounds earlier this year and managed to keep it off. When I went for my last treatment, I was wearing a pair of jeans that were a little big, and now they are falling off. They are being retired! The size I really wear is a lot more comfortable now and I don't think it will be long before I am looking through my closet trying to find the next size down. I kept all my old clothes in hopes of getting back into them one day. I am getting close!!! My next treatment is tomorrow (technically later today) and I will post the results from that soon!

I think a lot of people would benefit from this laser treatment. I have friends that have had bariatric surgery and after the rapid weight loss, they were left with skin hanging off their frames. I am not a physician, but if I were having that surgery, this treatment would be the perfect partner to tighten things up and improve contours while losing the weight. It is something I would ask about and seek out.

I remember while working in plastic surgery, we had a lot patients that would come in the back door and go to a room immediately. They didn't want anyone to see them at a plastic surgeon's office. They also stayed hidden during their recovery periods. They didn't want their friends to know they had anything done. They just wanted to appear slimmer or more rested. With the Strawberry Laser, there is no recovery period. I drink a lot of water and do some exercises when I come home from my treatment. That's it! If you want to slim down without anyone knowing what you've done, this is perfect for you. It is ideal for men and women, and it does work. Check out treatment one and two! And please, if you have any questions about my experience, please message me on facebook or send me an email. I would be glad to tell you more.

Disclosure: Please seek the advice of a doctor before having treatments. The results shown above are mine and my husband's and while I expect you to have similar results, I have no control over the outcome. The photos above have not been retouched. I did not pay for these treatments and I did not receive financial compensation to post this. If you would like to speak to me regarding my treatment of experience, you can find me on Facebook. My link is on the sidebar.

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