Monday, March 4, 2013

A Search Engine That Grows With Your Child? Tell Them To Use Their Noodle!


Noodle Launches First and Only Life-Long Education Search Engine

Personalized Search Tool Takes the Guesswork Out of Education Decisions

I spend most of my day online. I may be searching for content to engage followers and fans on more than a dozen social media sites (I work with quite a few wonderful authors) or I may be looking to update my own pages. I may help my children learn something new during a homeschool lesson or maybe I just want to spend my free time looking up something that I found intriguing. I have a favorite search engine that I use, but I never gave it much thought. I just click and go. A personalized service that helps me find what I'm looking for, well, that's something new to me. I look up a lot of educational information to post on the sites I manage so I had to check it out! (love the name!) allows me to sign in through Facebook. I'm asked a series of short questions so the site can "get to know me" and then I begin my search. I was a little confused when I hit the home page but then I figured it out. I'm not going back to school any time soon, but since we homeschool, I found this to be an invaluable site. After clicking on K-12, I hit jackpot. Really. My life (and my son's life) just got a whole lot easier!

I typed in fractions. An amazing selection of educational help topics came up. Why didn't they have this stuff when I was growing up. I wouldn't have had to make up theorems and proofs in Geometry. I could have made my parents proud with a shining A+. At last my children will benefit from this. I watched a few videos and I wanted to embed them. I couldn't find the code, but you should take the time to visit and look around. It's not just math. They have videos and tutors to help with every subject. I have never been more impressed with an educational site. It was easy to navigate once I took the time to really look things over and the amount of information available is astounding! It is my new favorite site and I think I'll probably use it daily to back up our lessons with something fun and memorable.

Want to know more?

These are the 10 common mistakes parents and high school students make when selecting at college, from the experts at Noodle Education:
  • Overemphasizing rankings and reputations
  • Looking only at the sticker price and failing to consider financial aid
  • Not visiting the college
  • Following significant other’s college choices
  • Choosing a party school for partying
  • Worrying too much about location and distance
  • Following friends
  • Choosing a school on the basis of rebelling against advice of parents and others
  • Legacy - choosing a school only because parents did
  • Overemphasizing a single major or career path
To help avoid some of these pitfalls,, the new life-long education search engine, provides students with free, unprecedented access to the largest compilation of education resources anywhere on the web.

Noodle Education recently announced the launch of, the first and only life-long education search engine that provides users with free, unprecedented access to education information and interactive learning tools.’s personalized recommendation engine is the best way to help users -- from parents and adults to high schoolers –- find the best schools and programs to fit their needs. allows users to search colleges, graduate programs and K-12 schools, find study abroad programs, identify the best local tutors and test prep programs, search for a guidance counselor or education consultant and access hundreds of thousands of free learning materials.

The current online education search process is both inefficient and ineffective. Over 3 billion searches related to learning and education take place monthly, but research shows that these searches frequently end with more questions than answers. The reality that one-third of all students transfer colleges at least once before a degree, as well as high  dropout rates,  suggests that students are making costly and time consuming mistakes with their choices. addresses this need for an effective internet resource to search and recommend schools, programs, providers and content for education.

“Education search is tricky because you don’t always know what you’re looking for.  To create an effective search, you would want a thorough database, recommendation capability, and a way to connect with your own social network to figure out what’s important to you and where you will get it,” said John Katzman, founder and chairman of Noodle and the founder of The Princeton Review and 2U. “As we continue to broaden and deepen its data, recommendation engine, and community, will grow into the most useful tool in education.

Featuring data on over 130,000 schools and hundreds of thousands of education providers, offers content from the most credible sources, including federal and state education departments and agencies, LinkedIn, Forbes, Newsweek, YouTube Education, and US News & World Report.  Users can select from over 350,000 interactive learning materials covering an expansive range of subjects, compiled from noteworthy sources such as National Geographic, The Smithsonian, Khan Academy and BigThink.

With over 120,000 K-12 schools, 2,900 4-year colleges, 5,000 graduate programs,135 study abroad programs and 80,000 tutoring listings, has the largest compilation of education resources found anywhere on the web. Once users narrow their search selection and want to engage with friends, family and others who have shared experiences, enables them to share their findings from the site via Facebook and Twitter, and save their results for easy access.

To celebrate the site’s launch, Noodle Education is offering users a chance to win a $4,000 education scholarship (students may visit to register for a chance to win and for Official Rules.)

To connect with Noodle Education, visit us at: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post but any opinions expressed are truthful and not influenced in any way.

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