Friday, June 5, 2009

Does Laser Hair Removal Really Work? Lets Find Out Together!!! Initial Test!

Recently, I was given the opportunity to try out the TRIA Laser Hair Removal System. In past years, I have worked in plastic surgery, enjoying many informative conferences where lasers were the topic of discussions. There has been a lot of talk over the years about laser hair removal. Most people expect 100% hair removal and while that would be nice, it's really not realistic for all. Once you understand what you may expect, decide if it's right for you. When people expect 100% hair free results and they do not get it, many become disappointed and tell others that lasers do not work. Lasers require dedication. You will not see results overnight. I will take you with me on my journey and tell you everything that I experience-good and bad. First, you need to understand that this device was cleared by the FDA. The FDA defines permanent as a 90% reduction in hair, give or take 10%. So in essence, some people may get 100% hair loss while few may receive 90% hair reduction. Let me add that those with a 90% reduction should see finer hair that may be lighter in color. Retreating these areas may be beneficial. I hate to shave, and I think 90% would be acceptable for me. But only you can decide for yourself. TRIA is safe to use on light to light brown skin tones. Do not use if you are African-American, East Indian, Native American, or Pacific Islander. Also, TRIA only works on naturally brown or black hair. Do not use around your eyes, face, genitals, nipples, ears, or neck. Do not use on tattoos or birthmarks, freckles or moles! Dark skin absorbs too much laser light and can cause injury. And please do not use if you are pregnant or under the age of 18!
Here we go. My TRIA arrived and I carefully removed it from the box. It is packaged quite nicely. It would make a lovely gift. The TRIA has to be charged at least 3 hours prior to first use. TRIA is cordless and if you are lasering large areas, you may need to recharge in the middle of a treatment. Before your first use, go online or call to activate your TRIA. If you fail to do this, you will not be able to use your device. It is a simple process and it will only take a few minutes.

To turn the laser on, you need to unlock it. The TRIA arrives with a secondary device that does this. This device is a sensor. You need to use the sensor to unlock the TRIA before each use. I love this feature. If my curious 6 year old decided to try out the laser, he would not be able to. I keep the sensor and the TRIA in different places for this reason. The skin sensor helps confirm that it's appropriate to use the laser on your skin tone. Turn the TRIA on. Apply your skin sensor to the area that you will be treating and hold the "window" flat against your skin. Press the button on the sensor. Release the button. Next, check the light on the sensor. Green means go! Red means your skin is too dark. If you are treating an area and you happen to get a tan, your skin may become too dark to treat. Pleasse remember this if you plan on using the TRIA System this summer! The skin sensor may also show red if you are using the sensor incorrectly. If you think this has happened, repeat the "test." After you get your green light, hold the skin sensor's "window" in front of the TRIA's indicator lights. Get close, no more than 1/4" away! Move the sensor up and down until you hear several beeps. If nothing happens, be sure to check that your TRIA is turned on. It will automatically turn off after 5 minutes if you do not use it. Now you are ready to go!

Before you use your laser, perform a patch test. I did my test patch on my leg. I am fair and I am not a hairy person. My hair is light to medium brown. I will be testing this unit on my legs, under my arms, and my bikini area. My husband, who will also be testing the laser, is very hairy. I swear he is part Sasquatch. SSshhhh, don't tell him I said that. He has dark brown hair. He will be treating his back and his abdomen. He has already done a test patch too. I am in the process of taking before images to post. His hair is darker and it shows up a better. Hopefully the images will help you see the results and decide if the TRIA is right for you. TRIA has three levels of intensity. Use the highest intensity that's not too uncomfortable. Make sure you begin with clean skin and shave before use. Do not wax or use other hair removal for 6 weeks prior to using TRIA. Hair needs to be present under the skin to work. Place the laser handpiece so that the sapphire laser window lies flat on your skin. You will hear a beep. Hold the handpiece steady until you hear a low beep. There is no need to press any button, unless you are adjusting the intensity. If you hear a buzz, you moved the laser too quickly or you were not holding it flat. Don't be alarmed if the internal fan comes on during your treatment. It is cooling your laser and you may continue you treatment.

During our patch test I felt no pain. I did my entire shin. There were maybe two areas where I felt a slight stinging. I would describe it as being popped with a rubber band. My husband did not shave before his treatment. I know it's recommended, but he is attending camp with our little boy and he did not want to have a hairless patch for all the world to see when they went swimming. The treatment was more painful for him, but tolerable. He will be shaving before we laser his entire back.

TRIA is very expensive, but add up a lifetime of shaving products or waxing, plus the time it takes you to use those products, and I think it's quite reasonable. If TRIA works, I think it would be worth it.
Right now I am charged and ready to go. My next post will be within a few days. I will go into detail and let you know everything we experience. I hope you can follow along!


Unknown said...

It does if you use the right company. The hair removal Houston, TX industry is pretty competitive and a lot of people get hair removal there, they all know that its a wise investment. I absolutely love my body now.

Anonymous said...

Lazer hair removal is expensive for me. I think the best way to remove hair is Emjoi Hair remover

HyunChard said...

THeres a lot of hair removal products out there, you should try one that suits you.

Anonymous said...

I had been save by
Laser Hair Removal It helped me removed my unwanted hair. God! Thought it would be painful but good thing it was really comforting and effective.

Anonymous said...

Well Laser Hair removal gives you the perfect rid of unwanted hair and its safe and smooth and long lasting...

everydaynews said...

Laser hair removal is not so expensive now as it was back in 2009. Laser Hair Removal Clinic in NJ

kavitha said...

Unwanted hair is a problem for every girl & no one either like it unless it is on the head. For full-body, specific areas and even for face, I found Laser Hair removal very effective and good resulting. Laser hair removal