
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Reading Horizons Giveaway! $299 value

I've been homeschooling for more than five years. I'm not a pro, and it took me a while to get everything figured out. I am comfortable with my decision and I enjoy the freedom that homeschooling allows. I'm not stuck with a specific book and if we are working on something that isn't working for us, I can always change that. If my children fall behind because they are having trouble with an assignment, we can catch up at a pace that works for them. It creates less stress (most of the time) for all of us. I began using one popular curriculum for Logan when he began Kindergarten. They are expensive, but I don't mind spending $1,000-1,500 per year if it's good. After using this program for a few years, I did find a few issues and I began searching for a way to work around them. Logan's main issue was spelling. He can read almost anything I put in front of him, but he wasn't a terrific speller. This year, I've managed to get him back on track and he's made a lot of progress. I think by the end of the year he will be where he needs to be!
Sam is in preschool, sort of. I don't pressure him at this point and when he gets inspired by watching his big brother, I reach for my program by Reading Horizons. I was sent this program a few months ago to review. At first, I was overwhelmed. The Intensive Phonics Instructor Materials included three large manuals, a little set of books, Reverse Listening Cards, and a poster pack. After I scanned through everything, I wasn't sure Sam would like it. He loves the color workbook that I got him to use. I wondered if it would hold his attention or if he would enjoy it.

My favorite part of the program is how well laid out and organized the manuals are. I'm not the most organized person, so I need something that I can pick up and use. This program is easy to follow and it only takes about thirty minutes a day. If you are looking for a quality program that doesn't require you to invest much of your own time planning and preparing, this is worth checking out. Everything is clearly marked and we went at our own pace. I think I am the only one who missed the color worksheets! Sam saw this as an opportunity to use his crayons to finish the page! While he hasn't excelled, he is making very slow progress. The set is for Kindergarten through Third, so I don't think I should expect better results right now. I am eager to use the program again next year and it will be great to see how much better he performs next year using the same curriculum!

I know homeschooling may not be for everyone, but if you've ever been curious or wanted to try it, here's your chance! One of my readers will win the program I've been using. It has a value of $299 and it is for children in grades K-3. Keep in mind, if you want to homeschool, you will still need to make sure to provide materials for other required subjects. The website is great. You can view a lesson, see how it works, and they offer many resources to help you and your child succeed.

One of my readers (US only please) will win their Intensive Phonics Instructor Materials including three large manuals, a little set of books, Reverse Listening Cards, and a poster pack. To enter, visit Reading Horizons and tell me something you learned from their site. Leave it in a comment below. This is a mandatory entry if you want to win! You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter for two extra entries each. You can also earn two entries by signing up for their newsletter!
Follow me on Google Friend Connect/Pinterest/Twitter/Facebook/Away We Go/Networked Blogs for one entry each. Get three entries if you blog/tweet/pin/or mention giveaway on Facebook. Links are on my sidebar! You must leave a link to my blog (when you mention giveaway) and be sure to leave a comment for each entry!!! Giveaway ends at 11:59pm October 30, 2012. Good luck!
Disclosure: Giveaway provided and fulfilled by Reading Horizons.

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