
Friday, October 12, 2012

Costume Express: Logan's Pick!

Logan is so excited! A few days ago he received his costume from Costume Express. Logan wanted to be something scary this year. He picked out Grim Reaper costumes and Zombie costumes. I'm not ready for that yet. Neither is his little brother. I can see Logan terrorizing us with a realistic and creepy costume, laughing uncontrollably as we run out of the house screaming. I'm a chicken and I think it's rubbed off on my youngest. Maybe in a year or two I'll give in. Until then, we are playing it safe!

I did allow Logan to pick out his own costume after giving him a list of costumes to avoid. He looked at Kids Halloween Costumes and then narrowed the results by searching for Boy's Halloween Costumes. He decided to go with a G.I. Joe Retaliation Snake Eyes Light Up Deluxe Muscle Chest Costume. The costume is made well, and after I unpacked it, I scanned it for any defects. It was perfect and all seams were intact. There were a few threads here and there but they were not attached and nothing unraveled as we picked them off. The hood is snug and it stays in place. Logan never had a problem with it sagging or blocking his vision, which is important to me when it comes to picking out costumes. My kids don't go trick-or-treating (we have a party at home) but I always make sure that their costume doesn't interfere with their vision. The hood doesn't always stay tucked into the bodysuit, but a simple black tee will keep his skin from showing. The bodysuit is padded, but not to the point where it is bulky or awkward. Logan's little brother told him his favorite part of the costume was the muscles! The stripes on the costume have lights that you can turn on as you suit up. If you forget, you'll need to take the top of the costume off to reach the switch. If my children did go trick-or-treating, I would prefer a costume lighter in color for safety reasons, especially if they were going to be out after dark. It's perfect for a party though!

 The back of the costume is held together with Velcro dots. They held the top together without a problem. Logan has worn his a few times (just to try it on) and it seems to be secure. The costume was a size 7/8 and and Logan usually wears a size 7 top and size 8 jeans. This costume was a perfect fit. He couldn't wear clothes underneath, so if you live where it's cold you may want to take that into consideration. I think he could wear a lightweight tee, but I think anything else would be too bulky. The costume didn't arrive with too many pieces which is a good thin. The "knee pads" are already sewn into place. That's one less thing for us to keep up with. Logan's mask fit snug against his face but it wasn't uncomfortable. It looked much better than previous costumes where the mask happened to be bulky and the eyes didn't line up just right. This mask lined up perfectly. Logan thought the costume was very comfortable and he didn't get hot while wearing it. We are both thrilled with the costume and since he received it, he seems to have forgotten those scary costumes he wanted so much! Check out Costume Express and follow them on Twitter and Facebook too! Be sure to look for special coupons on their home page. You can even stack some of their coupons and offers!
Disclosure: Logan received a costume for this review. Only honest opinions given and a favorable review was not required. 

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