Friday, March 18, 2011

We're Celebrating National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day With A Giveaway!

March 24th is National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day!

Last year, Raisinets helped us celebrate Logan and Sam's birthday. They filled our favor bags and made everyone smile! This year, we were asked to help Raisinets celebrate National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day! What an honor! They also want to fill 5 reader's mailboxes with the classic chocolate candy!

Did you know:

 • All Nestlé Raisinets are produced in Burlington, Wisconsin. They are made with select California raisins and a unique blend of Nestlé Chocolate.

• Raisinets were first introduced in 1927 by the Blumenthal Chocolate Company. Back then, it took two-and-a-half hours to produce one batch of Raisinets! Now it takes between 45 and 60 minutes.

• Today, they produce more than 1 million Raisinets per hour! Slightly less than 30 million individual Raisinets each day!

• In 2010 they produced nearly 20 million pounds of Milk and Dark Chocolate Raisinets, which is equal to approximately 8 billion individual Raisinets. If you lined them up end-to-end, they’d stretch all the way around the earth about three-and-a-half times!

• Last year they used almost seven million pounds of raisins and more than 10 million pounds of Nestlé Chocolate to produce both Milk and Dark Chocolate Raisinets.

• Raisinets are the first chocolate covered raisin candy to have a cartoon series featured on its own YouTube channel! –

In honor of National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day, Raisinets is offering 5 US readers the chance to score 2 concession boxes of Milk Chocolate Raisinets and 2 concession boxes of Dark Chocolate Raisinets! That's 4 boxes! 5 readers will be chosen randomly to receive this prize. To enter, let's be silly. Tell me just how much Raisinets mean to you and how far you would go to get them. Creative entries will not earn you a better chance, but they are definitely more fun! For two bonus entries, like them on Facebook! Don't be shy, say hi! For one entry each, follow me on Google/Networked Blogs/Facebook/Twitter. Be sure to leave comments for each entry! This giveaway ends 11:59 pm Thursday March 24. Winners will have 3 days to respond to my email before another winner is chosen. Good Luck!
Disclosure: Giveaways provided in exchange for this mention! No monetary compensation received! CashNet Sweepstakes


lisaray said...
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lisaray said...

Growing up, Raisinets were an EXTREME treat. The only place I knew that sold them in my hometown was at the movies, and we didn't buy snacks at the movies. (Just getting to go to the movies was enough of a rare treat!) I think the next town over was the closest place for them, so in answer to "how far I would go to get them, "I'd have to say "about 30 miles."

sweepmom said...

Raisinets are an awesome treat. I remember eating them as a kid. We didn't get them often but when we did we savored them. Now, I share that love with my son. I carry on the tradition of them being a special treat by only getting them for special occasions so they can be savored.
How far would I go to get them. Well, lets just say that if there were only one box left on the shelf and I saw someone else eyeing them up, there would be a "clean-up on isle 5"

debbie said...

I remember getting to go as a very special treat with my mother and father to the drive in. I always got raisinettes as my snack.
I would go anywhere to get them.

ky2here said...

I never had these as a child so it was a later in life treat. I would delete all other posts from this thread so I would be the winner (of course I have no idea how to do that).

ky2here at msn dot com


they were my craving- midnight run during pregnancy

lkvoyer said...

Chocolate Covered Raisins are my husbands favorite form of chocolate. Of course I love chocoate period!! The answer to the question of what I'd do to get them is enter contests!! LKVOYER at aol dot com

lkvoyer said...

Like Raisnets on FB #1 (Leann brandner voyer) LKVOYER at aol dot com

lkvoyer said...

Like Raisnets on FB #2 (Leann brandner voyer) LKVOYER at aol dot com

lkvoyer said...

Following on GFC. LKVOYER at aol dot com

mverno said...

i like

Miss Sarah said...

I don't think I've ever had this kind of Chocolate Covered Raisins. :) My mom and sister would like this prize better than I would, so I'd give this to them if I won. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!
misterjimmy at sbcglobal dot net

kyl neusch said...

i would be willing to give a kidney for them

kyl neusch said...

liked Raisinets on FB : kyl neusch

kyl neusch said...

liked Raisinets on FB : kyl neusch

Deb said...

As I was growing up every Saturday we went to the movies. I never got popcorn(Mom made that at home) I got Raisinets. When I was 16 I went to work at that very same movies theater. I would always get some Raisinets when I was at work.

McKim said...

I would go through picking them out of the door cubby in my car when the box I had put in there had fallen over - they were a little cruddy, but I was desperate for my Raisinet fix!
kimkmc at

McKim said...

I 'like' Raisinets on Facebook.
kimkmc at

llinda29 said...

Raisinets mean to the best ever candy in the whole world

SaraLee said...

Chocolate Covered Raisins are my favorite. I like them every time we got to the movies.
s8r8l33 at yahoo dot com

SaraLee said...

I Raisinets on FB

SaraLee said...

GFC @s8r8l33

SaraLee said...

I like u on fb

dlhaley said...

I love Raisinets, but I don't eat them that often. Now you got me thinking about them and I have to go to the store NOW and buy a box.
Haha. Thanks for the chance!

Kia89 said...

I absolutely love Raisinets!

cstironkat said...

I would ride my Harley anywhere to get them. They are a great treat after riding all day.

skkorman said...

As everyone knows, eating a pound of Raisinets a day is a healthy part of one's diet because of all the good fruit and stress-reducing chocolate. I shovel them in my mouth as often as possible!

susan said...

It's actually my hubby's favorite and he'd just about go bonkers for them! Who knows what he would do?

susan said...

I follow on Facebook.

puye said...

Chocolate Covered Raisins are my favorite form of chocolate. The answer to the question of what I'd do to get them is enter contests here.

puye said...

I like Raisinets on facebook

puye said...

I am a GFC follower(Pu Ye)

GANDORF57 said...

I would eat a Klondike bar for a box of Chocolate Covered Raisins!

yount said...

never did like the raisins but love the peanuts

Audrey said...

I love Raisinets because it's chocolate covered fruit. So I can tell myself it's healthy, and I can eat as much as I want. :)
rubyfire03 at gmail at dot com

Audrey said...

I like Raisinets on FB.
rubyfire03 at gmail dot com

Audrey said...

I follow you publicly on Google Friend Connect as strawberry.
rubyfire03 at gmail dot com

miloannjohnston said...

I like raisinets so much that i'd let my stinky outside dog sleep in my bed just to get some for FREE :)
miloannjohnston at yahoo dot com

miloannjohnston said...

i follow you on networked blogs
laneand miloannjohnston
miloannjohnston at yahoo dot com

miloannjohnston said...

i follow raisinets on fb #1
laneand johnston
miloannjohnston at yahoo dot com

miloannjohnston said...

i follow raisinets on fb #2
laneand johnston
miloannjohnston at yahoo dot com

5webs said...

Well, you know, raisins have lots of fiber in them, and I am at that age (42) where a little extra fiber in the colon never hurt anybody. I don't know how far I'd go to get them, but my three kids would probably sell me and their father down the river to get some.
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

Alicia Webster

Becca Ann said...

mmm raisinets... I would walk up hill in a blizzard both ways with no shoes on to get me some raisinets ;)

Becca Ann said...

I like raisinets on fb... Becca ann Peters

Becca Ann said...

I like raisinets on fb 2

Anonymous said...

I loved Raisinets as a kid, but I honestly can't think of the last time I had any. Love them more than bacon and would definitely walk the mile to the nearest convenient store to get some :)

Unknown said...

i havent had them since i was a kid.i would do 20 pushups for them and i cant even do one pushup

Erin Cook said...

I love raisinets and love to snack on them as much as possible.

Erin Cook said...

follow you on google friend connect Erin Cook

Erin Cook said...

follow you on twitter @cooks1978

Erin Cook said...

like you on facebook Erin Cook

Erin Cook said...

like raisinets on facebook Erin Cook

Erin Cook said...

like raisinets on facebook Erin Cook #2

Erin Cook said...

follow your network blog Erin COok

ard1977 said...

Raisinets and what the mean to me-
R- Radical
A- Awesome
I- Incredible
S- Super
I- I wannna eat them
N- Neccesary staple
E- Every Day Snack
T- Thinking about them now
S- See you later going to get some Raisinets!
Thanks! ard1977@gmail dot com

ard1977 said...

like Raisinets on FB under Rene Denning. ard1977@gmail dot com

ard1977 said...

GFC follower amied027. ard1977@gmail dot com

ard1977 said...

like you on FB under Rene Denning. ard1977@gmail dot com

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

I LOVE raisinets! I would eat them on a train, I would eat them on a plane. I would eat them with a fox, I would eat the whole box!

itsjustme62613 at

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

like raisinets on facebook from Misty Sunrise and said hello to them!

itsjustme62613 at


Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

like raisinets on facebook from Misty Sunrise and said hello to them!

itsjustme62613 at


Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

follow on gfc as its just me

itsjustme62613 at

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

follow on networked blogs from Misty Sunrise

itsjustme62613 at

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

like you on facebook from Misty Sunrise

itsjustme62613 at

Unknown said...

I could eat them everyday, I would go as far as any store for them!

susan1215 said...

I remember eating Raisinets at the movies as a child and I thought they were only sold at theatres and I remember being so excited when I saw them at the store isles for the first time

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...

liked Raisinets on FB Susan Smith

susan1215 said...

liked Raisinets on FB Susan Smith #2

EmmaPeel said...

Raisinets were always a Special treat to get with a capital"S" when going around for Halloween. You could count yourself one of the lucky ones if it ended up in your pillowcase or whatever carrier one would take around. I'd dive over a coffee table while singing you light up my life for some yummy Raisinets!

EmmaPeel said...

I Like Raisnets on FB #1
(Emm Enger)


EmmaPeel said...

I Like Raisnets on FB #2
(Emm Enger)


DaddyFr0gg said...

Raisinets are way better than popcorn for movie viewing. They're not all loud and crunchy, so there's no missing that important dialogue moment. Plus, they taste better. I've driven well out of the way to get a box or two before heading to the movie theater.

DaddyFr0gg said...

Likes Raisinets on FB.

DaddyFr0gg said...

Likes Raisinets on FB.

Rachel said...

Raisinets are good, but I wouldn't do anything crazy for them

Rachel said...

follow via network blogs

Gina said...

I adore Raisinets! C'mon, delicious chocolate WITH raisins? To me that means they are healthy & they taste yummy. I love to have them at the movies & will sneak in my own because less expensive that way.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com

Jean said...

Love those raisinets! I'd drive quite far to grab a box.

Gina said...

I "like" Raisinets on Facebook.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com

susansmoaks said...

i would go to the store that is 10 miles from home in the middle of the night for raisinets
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Raisinets means the best treat for me. I would go down the hill and around the corner for Raisinets.

saturdaynightfever said...

I am a Google Friend Connect follower.