
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Where Do All Those Socks Go?

Socks. Do they ever stay together? They are more like some of today's relationships. They are fine together for a while, but then they go their separate ways. They may leave in the wash, or when you fold them (yeah, sometimes mine swap mates), and if you have a child there's no way to know where those socks will be at the end of the day. Wally One-Sock is written by Lynn Baldwin and illustrated by Rae Anne Beckius. When I was asked to review it, I carefully thought about it. Some books that I review are terrible not very well written and the rhymes are off. Way off. The story doesn't flow. I always seem to hesitate when it comes to children's book reviews. After picking the book up one afternoon, I sat down to read it. It was brilliant! This is the kind of book that I enjoy reading out loud! The story is a great way to entertain small children because it can be read in a sing-song manner that will delight even the crankiest toddler. At least that was my experience! Sam is teething and nothing seems to make him smile. This book certainly did the trick. Logan is older and I wondered if he would like the book. He read it to Sam one afternoon and he really got into it! The illustrations really bring the socks to life. It's almost magical! This clever book was inspired by Lynn Baldwin's son. He is always missing a sock! She created this wonderfully written book to explain those missing socks! I can only cross my fingers that she will use her talents to write more books like this! I would like her help finding a few puzzle pieces, maybe even some legos. Whatever she writes about, I wouldn't hesitate to grab it. Buy your copy here or at!

To Disclose: I was sent a review copy of this book in order to complete this review. No monetary compensation provided and my honest opinions were given.

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