
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Birthdays And Celebrations!

Yesterday, Sam turned two. He is growing up so fast! I am thankful that he still brings his sippy and blanket to me and curls up  into my lap for me to hold him. I hope it doesn't end anytime soon. Yesterday was a quiet day for him except for a little meltdown after dinner. Sam is having a tough time with his teeth and it didn't seem fair for him to have a fever and not feel well on his Birthday! On April 15, Logan will turn seven!!! It's so hard for me to believe! This year, he asked to share his party with Sam. He is the greatest big brother ever! He left Friday to spend time with his Grandpa and Grandma. I hate it when he leaves, but he missed his grandparents so much! This was a needed "vacation" for him. Before he left, he realized he would be missing his brother's actual Birthday. He apologized to Sam a million times (or so it seemed) and it was so cute to watch. On April 3, we will be celebrating their Birthdays with friends and family! We will have pizza and cakes, and toys from Discovery, Prince Lionheart, and Nerf. Century Novelty and a several other companies have worked to make this a very special day for them. I also have a very sweet giveaway! Be sure to join in on our celebratration! You are all invited!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Sam turning two yesterday. They grow up to fast so enjoyed him while he is still little. Sorry Sam was not feeling well especially on his 2 year birthday. Logan seems to love his brother alot and is a sweet child too. That is sweet that Logan wants to share his birthday with Sam this year. Happy Birthday to the both of them.
