
Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I've changed my fair share of crib and toddler sheets, and I'm not even close to nearing the end. Sometimes I get a wake up call around 5 am. It goes a little something like this. I awake to the sounds of screaming, AKA, angry protesting. I stumble through the darkness, stub a few toes and trip over my husband's shoes or a toy truck belonging to my oldest, and make my way to the crib only to find a naked baby standing on wet (if I'm lucky, yucky if I'm not) sheets. It isn't always the case. Sometimes I get lucky. But lately, my baby is proud of his new accomplishment. He can take his pants and diaper off and he will do so whenever he has the chance. Later, I will move him to a toddler bed and while he may not take his clothes off, I know there will be potty training accidents. Isn't life grand? I don't mind. I take the good with the not so good. I am protected. I learned early on that fitted sheets and mattress protectors were my best friend. Every time I change crib sheets or in my near future, a toddler bed, I layer on three of each. When I get a flood, I remove the first fitted sheet and the mattress protector. They go into the wash. As soon as I have used them all, back on the bed they go. It saves a lot of time and I can get back to sleep more quickly, which at 5 am, it's a priority. Out of all the mattress protectors I've tried, I have been most pleased with the one I found at Protect-A-Bed! The protectors fit snug. We tried a 100% cotton terry waterproof protector. It was soft and easy to put on the bed and take off. Washing was also simple and the polyurethane laminate can withstand over 200 washes and tumble dries at boiling point. That's pretty tough! Tough enough for me! These protectors are free of cadmium, ensuring a healthy night's sleep for all! Visit Protect-A-Bed and order yours today! Better yet, order two or three and enjoy the convenience of layering! They are not just for babies and toddlers! They have a mattress protector for everyone in the family!

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