
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

healthDropz. A Beverage Booster And A Giveaway!

I could really use these. Especially the Energy healthDropz. Every morning I am in need of a dose of caffeine to get me going. If I miss out, I am pretty much useless until noon. Must be those late nights telling on me. No, I'm not doing anything I shouldn't be doing. I'm just a night owl! I thought these were interesting and I wanted to share. One lucky winner will get to try healthDropz! US residents only. Giveaway ends midnight EST May 10, 2009. To enter, leave a comment telling me why you need these! For a second entry, follow me or let me know you are a follower. Be sure to leave a second comment!!! Good Luck!
healthDropz: Beverage Booster
healthDropz is available in three blends (Energy, Focus and Green Tea Antioxidants), each providing a precise, highly concentrated mix of vitamins, herbs or select natural ingredients. Simply add six healthDropz to 8 oz water of water or any beverage. No mixing necessary. A 90 serving bottle of healthDropz (0.9 fl oz) retails for $8.99. The bottle is small and convenient to carry, about the size of a lipstick.

healthDropz Energy: The Kick Without the Can
According to Lane, “today’s energy drinks are creating a generation of caffeine and sugar addicts.” Unlike other specialty beverages, healthDropz Energy is not a caffeine laden formula. Instead, the secret in these drops is small amounts of caffeine, the amino acid taurine and lots of B vitamins, especially B12. B vitamins are used by our bodies to create glucose into energy. The lack in vitamin B12 can cause people to be sluggish, which is why healthDropz Energy rates over 6,000% percent of the recommended Daily Value of B12 per serving. Because healthDropz Energy is sugar-free, there is no potential for a sugar crash.

healthDropz Focus: A Difference in Minutes
Today’s bottled Focus drinks add small amounts of a 1-2 special ingredients. healthDropz Focus is a fast-acting blend combining vitamin B6 with four scientifically tested, brain support nutrients, rhodiola rosea, DMAE, huperzine A (an extract from Chinese club moss) and citcoline. In as little as 10 minutes healthDropz Focus users have noted benefits. “We knew healthDropz Focus was a powerful natural formula, but we did not anticipate so many people reporting its benefits so quickly,” says Lane. healthDropz Focus may be a good option to supplements as well. Unlike the Omega-3 brain supplements which have a fishy after-taste, healthDropz Focus adds no flavor to a glass of water.

healthDropz Green Tea: A Drop Full of Antioxidants
Everyone is talking about the miraculous powers of green tea antioxidants. The active antioxidants of green tea are called polyphenols, the most powerful of which is ECGC (epigallocatechin gallate). Unfortunately, avid tea drinkers are constantly brewing pot after pot of green tea for the desired six cups a day. healthDropz Green Tea is an easy solution; providing a full cup of green tea polyphenols in just six drops. Importantly, about half of these polphenols are ECGC. Cut six cups into three, by adding six healthDropz to each cup of green tea. Or add green tea benefits to any drink, without adding flavor. healthDropz Green Tea has none of the added sugar or sweeteners of bottled green tea nor the strong bitter after-taste of green tea extracts.


  1. Anyone who is a mom needs these ~ kids are quick, fast, and can be down right exhausting ~ and I love every moment (but a little help would be nice)! I think this would be a nice pick me up.

  2. I have a two month old. Need I say more?

  3. I could use the energy dropz I am so tired watching my busy toddler all day.

  4. I follow.

  5. My hubby is a SAHD and could use the energy one, but I could use the focus one!

    addeviant006 at gmail dot com

  6. follower

    addeviant006 at gmail dot com

  7. I have too many to list chronic health problems...
    I use my pc to keep my brain active & to learn to distract my problems away!
    All 3 of these would be helpful, as I hate taking pills! even vitamins... seems like they just sit in your stomach, blechhhhh !

    I just found your site & find it helpful & interesting!


    my email is in my profile on blogger

  8. I'd love something that gives me a pick up in the morning. I have a baby so I need the energy!

  9. I could us a pick me up to keep up with my 2 boys who are 15 months apart!

  10. I need all 3 of these. The Energy would help get me going as I never get enough sleep and still have to keep going after I should be in bed. The Focus would help me not to get so distracted throughout the day. The Green Tea would help as I know that I don't get enough antooxidants in my diet these days.

  11. I have 4 kids and one on the way, need I say more.

    webowes at hotmail dot com

  12. I follow

    webowes at hotmail dot com
