
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Brain technology sheds light on Autism Spectrum Disorder

Not much has changed in the way we approach special needs education for children. However, one special needs doctor has developed a program that she believes will greatly improve the way in which special needs children learn.

Dr. JoQueta Handy, Ph.D, CCC-SLP had developed a program, the Children’s Opportunity for Brilliance, or COB model, that focuses on a child’s strengths in order to better understand how each individual responds to different learning strategies. In congruence with the COB model, Handy also partnered with several institutions to augment her program’s effectiveness. Some of these technologies include:

Quantum Reflex Integration: Based on research conducted at Harvard Medical School, Bonnie Brandes developed this technology, which uses low-level lasers on the head and body to grow stem cells through the hypothermic effect created by the laser. At the Brilliant Learning school, results have been seen on EEGs in as little as six treatments.

Interactive Metronome: This technology was originally developed for Olympic athletes but quickly advanced into the academic realm. It is used to prepare the brain for learning by stimulating the temporal lobes of the brain. It also helps with speech, attention, and reading fluency and comprehension.

Quantum Biofeedback: This scan determines the diet and supplements each individual needs to balance brain chemistry for better sleep, concentration, and overall health.

In its current form, the special needs education system is indeed a broken one. However, through individual attention within the COB model and a celebration of the uniqueness of every child, Handy believes this broken system can one day be fixed to ensure the potential of every student is recognized.

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