
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Your Kids Will Notice The Difference!

My kids are crazy about fruit chews. I tend to buy whatever brand is on sale though and I didn't think there was much of a difference. When I was sent packages of Go Organically organic fruit snacks, my kids quickly let me know there was in fact, a huge difference. First, my oldest pointed out that the fruit snack actually tastes like real fruit, not the artificial "crap" I had been feeding him. It was better than the ones made with "real" fruit juice and the texture when you bit into it was also nice. All that from a thirteen-year-old. My eight year old couldn't really talk because he was stuffing his mouth with the snacks and didn't have time to comment since he was focused on chewing.

Bottom line. Try these. You'll end up buying them because your kids WILL know the difference. I even caught my husband with his hand in the cookie jar where I keep the snacks, fishing a few of his favorites out while the kids weren't looking. Visit their facebook page for a money saving coupon!

Disclosure: I received fruit snacks to try in exchange for posting a previous promotion and review. 

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