
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Get Ready For The Brood X Invasion! Enter The Giveaway And Get Prepared!

It's Coming! Get Ready!

Are you prepared for the invasion of Brood X? It is coming and you want to be ready. Nothing will stop this 17 year swarm from happening. All humanity can do is hope that they will not stay around long.

Introducing brand new author, Michael Phillip Cash who has written a Thriller book called Brood X. It is coming soon to Amazon and online book stores near you.

Here is a synopsis of his upcoming book:
Seth is laid off from work. His wife Lara just found out they are expecting a baby this summer. Seth plans on documenting the entire pregnancy with his brand new digital camcorder.
During an evening home watching television, the news reports that a swarm of cicada (Brood Ten) are expected to overwhelm the entire Northeast.
Brood Ten is vicious and ready to invade.
During a sweltering summer night, Brood Ten emerges and wreaks havoc with the electric grid, phone and cell service, wi-fi, food and water supply. Civilization as they know it is gone.
Seth and Lara are thrown back to the stone age in their own home with trillions of cicada trying to deposit their eggs and breed.
Will Seth grow up and take responsibility for his family? Or will the devastating bugs destroy humanity?

Author, Michael Phillip Cash wants to introduce himself and help you prepare for an emergency of any kind. He is generously giving away a $300 Home Depot Gift Card and a Solar Powered Emergency Weather Radio for one lucky reader. 

Where you can find Michael Phillip Cash:

Please enter in the Rafflecopter below.
Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by author, Michael Phillip Cash. 
My blog, The Gerber Babies Blog, the blogs hosting and co-hosting are not responsible for shipment. Michael Phillip Cash is solely responsible for shipment.
Gift card is being provided by the author and not affiliated with Home Depot.
This giveaway is also not affiliated with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or YouTube.
Giveaway ends: April 21, 2013 at 12 AM. US

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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