
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Clive Eaton

I love to read. I have about six books to review and I just ordered about twenty from Barnes & Noble. I ran out of room on my bookshelf long ago so now I have a tall stack of books in the corner of my living room! There may be two stacks before the week is over. I can't bring myself to buy a Kindle. It's not about they money. I think I'd miss holding a book in my hands and turning the pages. That simple little task brings me so much happiness. I may end up giving in because the books are getting out of hand!

After I finish the books on my to do list, I'm going to buy a few books that are a little different from my usual reading. Clive Eaton is the author of "The Pyramid Legacy" and "Operation Stonehenge." The books are thrillers with a lot of twists and turns. I'm looking forward to reading them as soon as I catch up! You can find out more about these books and Clive Eaton on his website!

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