
Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Underwater Pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle

I've always loved to read. As a child, I usually had a book in my hand and I would get in a bit of trouble because I couldn't put it down. I remember trying to read during dinner. That didn't go over so well with my family. I have fond memories of many of those books. There was so much magic in them!

When I was younger (and even now) I would find many things in books that were completely unfamiliar to me. The books briefly touched on certain key points, but unless I did my own research, I never really understood everything. Linda Cadose is a different kind of writer and I think anyone that wants to get more from their books will appreciate the extra work and thought she puts into them. When she writes, she gives the reader the perfect mix of fact and fiction. I learn so much from reading her books and I don't feel the need to look things up because I'm unfamiliar with a subject. She inspires me to want to know more and I have caught myself googling her ideas because they are incredible! Her books are educational and entertaining. They are a great way to "sneak" in a few lessons in history, geography, science, medicine, psychology, and technology.

The Underwater Pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle is fast paced. In some books I've read, two weeks can take forever. The author may fill the space with a lot of information that does nothing more than annoy me. That's a bit harsh, but when something is so exciting, I don't want to wait to see what happens next!!! Linda Cadose doesn't play around. She could stretch things out a bit, but why should she? I don't like cliffhangers, and I hate the temptation of skipping ahead. Linda Cadose knows when to get to the point and she doesn't waste any time.

Cadose is a seasoned traveler that takes you on the adventure of a lifetime! In The Underwater Pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle, Cliff Post and a few other characters from her book, The Hidden Chamber in the Great Sphinx, return for a new adventure! I learned about so many new things while reading this book. I learned historical facts about pirates, the geography of Bimini, SCUBA diving (I'm already a certified diver and she was spot on with everything!) and I learned about ancient civilizations, new discoveries and theories. Written primarily for younger children in their middle school years (and older) this book will fascinate the minds of many and take them on an incredible journey. The book touches on many issues including adoption and divorce. It's great that she touches on these issues because more readers can identify with the characters and what they are going through. Recipes...this book has recipes!!! My nine year old son LOVES to cook. Reading all about the islands and island living would definitely encourage him to try these new things! Right now, I'm seriously craving sunshine, limeade and the scent of salty sea air. If only I could find key limes! I can't give you all the details, but this book would make a wonderful addition to any library. It may not get much time of the shelf because it's good enough to read again and again. I read it once and had to go back and read it again. It has so much information, I walked away with something new each time. Homeschoolers and reading groups will appreciate a book like this. It's the perfect book to read and discuss. There are many topics to touch on throughout the book and I think it would be a wonderful book report or essay assignment for middle school students. Put it on your school reading list and get a Kindle version, hardcover or paperback copy from Amazon!

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book for a review. A favorable review or mention was not required.

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