
Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Money Code

I never thought I could appreciate a book about money. I like books that leave my head in the clouds and when it comes to finances, I let my husband handles things. We discuss everything, but numbers make me nervous. There was always a difference when it came to math and textbooks (which I always did well with) and math and my wallet. I didn't want to worry with the latter. As long as I could hold someone else responsible-ah maybe that's a bit harsh. As long as I didn't have to stress over the financial decisions, I could be happy, knowing someone was behind the scenes making it work. Yes, I can be a little irresponsible. I love spending money on others when I have it because their response bring me great joy and happiness. I think I have a good heart and I usually don't buy things for myself. Don't get me wrong though. I do not make decisions that sabotage our finances or leave us in a bad situation. It's just that we could have a little more in savings but that's not entirely because of my choices. I had an eye opening experience as I was reading The Money Code: Improve Your Entire Financial Life Right Now. Obviously, I can't tell you everything about the book but I can tell you I realized so much about myself and who I am after the first few pages. Within those pages, I found a test to analyze what kind of person I am . I liked the analysis and it made me feel like a wonderful person, but the book pointed out my flaws in a gentle way that didn't attack or condemn who I was. I needed to make a few changes according to the book. I could still be me, and like myself, and be more responsible with money. I really appreciated the approach the author took. He walked a fine line and he did it with grace. Joe Duran is a wise person and most people can learn a lot from his life and the choices he made. He helps the average person break away from what they thought was right. He isn't the type of financial planner that tells you to SAVE, SAVE, SAVE. He believes you should enjoy your earnings responsibly. He helps give pointers on making those decisions to buy those wants and make the most of life. After reading through the book, I took the test to analyze myself again. It looks like I've come a long way in a short period of time. Will I listen to his words in my head when I make each and every financial decision? Probably not. I'm kind of stubborn. But I strongly feel that this book has influenced me in a way that I'll make better decisions because it did change the way I look at different situations. I am grateful. Get it at Amazon and Barnes & Noble! You can also check out The Money Code website for more great information!

Disclosure: A copy of this book was provided for this review. A favorable mention or review was not required.

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