
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Getting Ready To Hit The Slopes!

It doesn't snow much where I live. We may get enough snow to cover the ground once every eight to ten years. My husband is from New York and he loves the snow. He's really missed it since he moved to the deep south. My husband loves skiing and snowboarding. He was a member of the ski patrol before we were married. He hasn't hit the slopes since, and he's had major withdrawals. He can't wait to get back on the mountain and teach our kids a few tricks! We were planning to go to New York in December but now it looks like it will be February before we go. It will be cold and I need to pick up some ski essentials for our trip! I don't really know what we'll need so I am counting on my husband to help me pick out ski clothing for our family. I've been skiing once, but that was years ago! I know my number one priority is to stay warm and dry! Comfort would come after that for me! I found a few tips to help me dress for skiing, and they will help me pack for a New York winter! Living in the south, I freeze when the temps drop below 70 degrees F!
I'm sure I'll go overboard and buy more than I need. I always pack too much. I've been looking at a few sites online and I really want to find a website where I can shop for clothes for the entire family. That would certainly make things easier for me! It looks like I'll need to start with base layers, mid layers, jackets, and trousers. I'll also need hats and gloves! Who knows, maybe I can get lucky and find a few after Christmas sales. I love sales! I can buy more (which I planned to do anyway) and not feel guilty!

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