
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dr.Ho's Decompression Back Belt Really Works

I've had back pain for years. I remember in my late teens, I had to go to the emergency room. I couldn't walk without sharp, shooting pains. The doctor always said I "pulled or strained" my back and gave me muscle relaxers and pain medication. My back pain most likely started after a car accident, but x-rays never detected what the real problem was until much later. I was always treated for sprains or strains and sent home. It wasn't until my mid-twenties that I was taken seriously. I had given myself a spine curvature as a way of coping with chronic pain and one hip was 9cm higher than the other, according to an x-ray taken by a chiropractor. I only went to him because in the middle of the day, my legs gave out at work. I had a choice between another visit to the emergency room or an appointment with a co worker's friend, and at least with her friend, I didn't have to wait. After he took an x-ray, he said he'd never touch my back. He sent me to a doctor that wanted to do surgery. He told me I'd have to lay on my back for six months to recover. I wanted a second opinion and made an appointment with a neurosurgeon. I was happier because he offered surgery with less down time. There was no way around surgery. My problem was on the verge of causing major irreversible damage. Even years after surgery, I still have nerve damage in my feet that I have to deal with. The neurosurgeon fused my lower back twice. About six months after the first, I was in a car accident that shattered everything.That's why the second fusion was needed.

My recovery was difficult and depressing. After the second surgery, I could get around but the limitations were horrible. I went from working out to being told to never lift more than a milk jug in each hand. Over the years, I have had about one episode each year where I cannot walk for about twenty-four hours. I've learned that a seven day steroid dose pack gets me on my feet within twenty-four hours and I don't have much pain. I hate pain medication and muscle relaxers never seem to work. An MRI shows that I have more damage below the surgery site and I may need another fusion in the future. I don't think about that much, even with the almost daily nagging "pain" that I live with. It's not too bad. I'd say it's a 3 most days. When it flares, I use a  TENS unit. It's my best friend. Or at least it was. About a week ago, I received a new product to review. I immediately put it on and I felt instant relief. My pain went from a 3 to a 0! Dr. Ho’s Decompression Back Belt gave me the opportunity to experience standing, sitting, and walking without any pain. It's easy to put on. It's has a Velcro closure, and you put it on just like any other belt. After it's secure, you use a small pump to manually inflate it. These "air pockets" extend around the back and sides and stretch (and support) the back. It feels a little like being in traction, without having the inconveniences of being in traction. I can still do what I need to do and feel great while doing it. It's not as bulky as my back brace and I could wear it under a loose fitting shirt or sweater. To release the air and remove the belt (you don't have to let the air our while wearing it, so it can be removed in a hurry if needed) you just use the attached tool to insert into the valve. Personally, I remove the air while wearing it. Dr. Ho’s Decompression Back Belt provides the traditional decompression therapy, which has been used for centuries, in a portable back belt. The Decompression Back Belt works by expanding and decompressing to stretch the lower back muscles therefore providing immediate pain relief anytime, anywhere.

Even if you only have minor problems, or if you bend or pick up children a lot, this can help. I've seen so many gimmicks over the years since my issues began (it's been almost twenty years!) and I was reluctant to believe this device would work. I noticed the difference within seconds. Unlike other customer "testimonials" I am a real "known" person and you can contact me if you have questions about my use of this product. I don't own stock in the company, but I'm giving it some thought! I know what it's like to struggle with lower back pain (my problem is L4-5 and below) and I know how much treatment can cost. I won't give up my TENS unit, but this will be my number one choice for relief. I honestly can't say enough about how wonderful it really is. I haven't tried it during a full blown flare where my pain ranges from a 7-10, but for mild to moderate pain, it has provided instant relief. I am crossing my fingers it will also provide relief during my "yearly" flares.
Let me add, if you are looking for a cure, I'd suggest that you keep looking. If you have chronic back pain, even surgery probably won't make you pain free. This product provided relief for me. It you buy this because you think this is going to "fix" your back, you may be disappointed. I've read online reviews, and to be blunt, it looks like many had the wrong expectations. Going into this, if you want to experience the relief that traction gives, this product did that for me, and maybe it will give you that relief too. I had no pain or tension in my back while using it. It did come back a few hours after taking it off. I simply put it back on and I was pain free again. You should always consult your doctor or provider for medical advice. This blog post is based on my personal history and use of this product. You may or may not experience the same results.

Disclosure: I was given a product to use for my review. A favorable review was not required. Medical history was not required but I hope it helps others that are looking for pain relief. Feel free to contact me via email.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well, this is interesting. I want to thank you for this great article. Thanks for sharing this :)
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  3. I just received this and can’t get to the valve. Don’t know what I’m doing wrong or if it’s defective. Suggestions?

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