
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Design Contest And Giveaway! Awesome Prizes!

Genetipetz is running a "Design Your Own Genetipetz" Contest. If you are not familiar with Genetipetz, visit their site to learn more! I can wait for them to launch and give everyone the opportunity to have one of these cool "creatures!"

Contest Instructions
Use your imagination to come up with your very own 2 or 3 animal combination. Name it, sketch it, and submit your entry to Genetipetz. 10 entries will be selected from the pool of entries to be voted on by Genetipetz fans. The winner receiving the most votes will win the Grand Prize – the very first Genetipetz stuffed animal we manufacture using their own design and be inducted into the Genetipetz Designers Hall of Fame!
ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE! (to enter again, please use a separate computer/browser and email address)
All ages welcome and encouraged – Even enter as a family or team!
Contest Ends
November 30, 2012 @ 11:59 pm (EST)
Grand Prize
Suggest the best and most unique combination of 2 or 3 animals, sketch your design, name your pet, get your friends to vote and become the grand prize winner to have your design manufactured as one of our new Genetipetz stuffed animals. The winner will receive the very first production Genetipet stuffed animal using their design and become a member of the Genetipetz Designers Hall of Fame!
The Grand Prize winner will also receive their choice of 1 of our current Genetipetz stuffed animals (Mooraffe, Zebugraphant or Snurtlegator) and 1 Genetipetz T-shirt with their choice of Dr. Genetipetz or one of our current Genetipetz animal designs printed on the back.
2nd Prize
All design finalists will receive 1 Genetipetz T-shirt with their choice of Dr. Genetipetz or one of our current Genetipetz animal designs printed on the back.
3rd Prize
5 lucky designers will be drawn from all valid entries to receive their choice of 1 of our current Genetipetz stuffed animals (Mooraffe, Zebugraphant or Snurtlegator)!

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