
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Buying Designer Clothes

I've changed a lot over the years! I remember opening up brightly colored packages on Christmas and being a little disappointed when I discovered a box full of clothes. As a child, I wanted toys. The more toys I had, the better life was for me back then. Or so I thought. Obviously I've changed, and I'd love to get a box full of designer clothes under the tree this year! And yes, that was a hint to anyone reading this! I usually don't shop for designer clothing until I find a great sale. If I do find something I can't resist, I try to stick with basic colors and classic designs.

Designer clothes can be expensive. I started off buying a few accessories because they're more affordable. I'm still working on my wardrobe, but in time, I'll have a nice collection. Some may ask why I spend the money on designer clothes. I personally feel the products are made with better quality materials and they will last longer than other products I've purchased. Classic pieces hold their value better and they look great for many years. It's important to be smart (if you are on a budget) and buy pieces that are timeless. You can always brighten up basic black with scarves or other accessories!

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