
Monday, October 15, 2012

WellPoint And Affiliated Brands Are Investing In You And Your Family!!!

Did you know that WellPoint is one of the largest health benefits companies in the nation? The company has affiliated health plans in 14 states that fall under the names Anthem BlueCross and BlueShield, Anthem BlueCross in California, Empire BlueCross BlueShield in New York and BlueCross BlueShield of Georgia. I've always thought of Blue Cross Blue Shield as one of the better insurance companies after using them for years, but now, I know they are and they are taking a proactive approach to making you (and your family) healthier!

Last Wednesday, I participated in a briefing session with The Motherhood and WellPoint and it's affiliated brands. I learned many things during this discussion. WellPoint is undergoing changes and their big focus seems to be on wellness. WellPoint is working to keep women and their families healthy, with services that go beyond what we traditionally think of receiving from a health insurer. They are offering fitness trainers that will be available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. They also have a program where program that allows insured members access to a nurse. The nurse can assist you when you have questions or need advice on how to handle minor (and major) medical issues. They can help you decide if you should go to an urgent care center, doctor's office, or the emergency center.


I don't give much thought to insurance except when I need it. I know they take money out each pay period, but until now, I never saw an insurance company "invest" in my health. I am pleased to say the tables are turning and WellPoint has decided to take that leap. Keeping you and your family healthy and out of the doctor’s office is a goal and they are offering programs tailored to your needs. Instead of a cookie cutter approach, you can have personalized (amazing, right?) plans to help you! It's not only made for 9-5pm people. Those working 12 and 24 hour shifts will not be left out because the perks don't follow the 9-5 business hour rules.


With their Future Moms Program, they will help you tackle the day-to-day challenges of being a mom and they'll help you before you actually take on that role! Through the Future Moms maternity program, expectant moms will get personalized support so they can achieve healthier pregnancies and healthier deliveries – which can lead to having healthier babies. Future Moms will provide risk screening and educational support as well as post-delivery follow-up, which includes screening for depression for those of us who have faced something even more severe than the “Baby Blues.” It also helps provide you with the information and tips you need as a new parent to care for your child throughout the first year. Dads can also use this program! Moms need all the help they can get and it's nice to know that Dads can reach out for helpful advice and tips!

Like many moms, I often put my family’s needs before my own. I homeschool and work from home, so I have very little me time. I can't really get out when I want to go to the gym and I just don't feel like there is enough time in the day to get it all done and include a workout. Unfortunately what I do at home isn't enough to keep me fit. WellPoint and its affiliated health plans have partnered with FitOrbit to offer convenient and affordable ways for members to achieve their personal fitness goals. FitOrbit is available to anyone who wishes to sign up on the site. However, the company plans to incorporate FitOrbit into some of its products for employers, as well as offer it at a discounted rate to members in the future. FitOrbit provides:
  • Unlimited access to a real personal trainer who, unlike trainers at the gym, is available to you around the clock. 
  • Customized, family friendly meal plan including recipes and even a grocery list!
  • Detailed, personalized fitness plan that you can do anywhere, anytime. Whether it’s doing lunges at the playground while you push your child on the swing or doing squats while folding laundry, your personal trainer can help you find moments during the day when you can easily add an exercise!
Knowing they'll be there with me at 2am when I finally finish everything for the night (and I don't have distractions)  would really help me out a lot! Plus, knowing I'm going to speak with a trainer to check in would help me stay accountable and help me meet my goals. It seems that WellPoint isn't putting out perks for you to fail. They want you to succeed because they recognized a need and they know it only benefits everyone in the long run.

Interested in your own FitOrbit? Click for a special discount! WellPoint and its affiliates would like you to know about these progams. Soon, they are going to provide discounts for special memberships through Weight Watchers and neighborhood gyms. They are taking a stand and changing the way you will look at medical insurance. Existing members, find out which special offers are available to you!

Disclosure: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia and The Motherhood engaged me for this post.

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