
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

$50 Visa Gift Card Giveaway And A Chance To Attend Virtual Mobile Safety School!

There are real issues that kids face today when it comes to mobile phones: bullying, privacy, over-usage, texting while driving and more. Every time I read the news, there is a story that breaks my heart because someone was either bullied and suffered horribly or people decided to text behind the wheel and the results were tragic.  AT&T has made a commitment to be a leader in providing education, resources and tools to help families better manage mobile safety. If you are interested in learning more, AT&T is offering the opportunity to one of my readers to attend a virtual Mobile Safety School session – along with a $50 VISA gift card. I'm going to attend the session on October 23. I hope you will join me and learn more about the tools and resources available to help you manage mobile safety with your family.

The virtual Mobile Safety School schedule is as follows:

Oct. 23 at 1p ET – mobile safety for kids 8-11
Oct. 24 at 1p ET – mobile safety for kids 12-14
Oct. 25 at 1p ET – mobile safety for kids 15-17

To enter this giveaway, please tell me which session you would like to attend. Leave your answer in a comment below. I will choose a winner by Sunday and you will have 24 hours to respond to my email. If you do not respond, another name will be chosen. This is time sensitive. Please check your spam and leave me a way to contact you! Giveaway ends October 20, 2012 at 11:59pm!

For bonus entries: (you must complete mandatory entry above first)
Follow me on Google Friend Connect/Pinterest/Twitter/Facebook/Away We Go/Networked Blogs for one entry each. Get three entries if you blog/tweet/pin/or mention giveaway on Facebook. Links are on my sidebar! You must leave a link to my blog (when you mention giveaway) and be sure to leave a comment for each entry!!! Good luck!
Disclosure: Giveaway provided and fulfilled by AT&T and The Motherhood.

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