
Friday, September 21, 2012

Book Review: Grandpa's Secret

Explaining death to a child is never easy. What if you were able to explain to your child that you can communicate with those that have passed? Intuitive counselor Ruby Tunke has spent many years of her life helping others move forward as a spiritual guide. Beautifully illustrated with bright colors and unique drawings- Tunke’s new book, Grandpa’s Secret, explains that there is no separation between those that have passed and those that are alive except for the form their energy takes. “This book brings the subject of death, grief and communication with those who have passed to a level of basic understanding,” Tunke says. “A level easily understood by children and adults alike.”Introducing the idea of no separation, in a manner that is not just theory, you can actually use the tool of meditation to connect with those that have passed.

I recently read this book and I it made me think about the loss of my own grandfather. The book doesn't dwell on the sadness and tears and it didn't bring back the pain. Instead this book  was comforting, even though it has been many years since his passing. I wish I had this book a long time ago. I think it would have helped me deal with my loss and given me hope. Before I read it, I didn't know what to expect. I was a little apprehensive about which direction the book would take. After reading it, I immediately thought this wonderfully written book would help children from many religious (and nonreligious) backgrounds. It seems to be respectful of them all. I think Grandpa's Secret would be a great gift to any child suffering with loss. The book gives hope and helps explain why children may feel alone in very a gentle way. It gives advice to children so they can feel more connected to loved ones after they have passed on. Look for Grandpa's Secret on Amazon and share it with those you love.

About The Author:
Ruby Tunke was raised and currently lives in an area known as the Peace Country or Northern Alberta, near the hamlet of Woking. She has five stepchildren, the three youngest of whom she raised. She enjoys her sixteen grandchildren and receives great inspiration from them. Ruby is an Author and Intuitive Counselor. Ruby assists people in self awareness and awakening to their full potential.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored review. Opinions expressed are my own and not influenced in any way.

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