
Friday, August 17, 2012

The Amazing World Giveaway!

 Ganz Studios has recently launched a new 3D virtual world, "Amazing World" and I couldn't be happier! It's free-to-play and your kids can immerse themselves in a whimsical world where they will meet a cast of unique characters, enjoy many exciting adventures and challenges, or stroll though colorful settings and meet new friends along the way. I know your kids will be excited! Are you? There are many positive aspects of gaming, but I do agree they should be limited when it comes to how long children should play games. Allowing my kids to play games gives me a little time to get things done, but it is also beneficial for children! Gaming may improve cognitive skills, social norms and the ability to advance problem solving skills.My children are not around other children as much because they are homeschooled. That's not a big issue for us because they don't have problems interacting with others. When we go to a friends house, my children find it very easy to bond with another child over a game. Sharing and taking turns are also important lessons to be learned. As far as an improvement in cognitive skills, I agree. Logan and Sam have to make quick decisions when they play games and they use that quick thinking and apply it to everything they do. They don't have any problems with problem solving! Read more about the benefits below!

Studies on the possible benefits of gaming:

“Parents, don't put away those video games just yet — today's gamer may be tomorrow's top surgeon” – USA TODAY

"that online gaming and social networking are beneficial to children, teaching them basic technical skills and how to communicate in the Information Age."–Slashdot

“A growing body of university research suggests that gaming improves creativity, decision-making and perception.”

 I love that the game is free!!! I hate to disappoint my kids and tell them they can't play. If they really wanted to play, I wouldn't mind paying  but it's so much easier this way and my kids don't need to earn their game by saving allowance money. They have other big item in mind for that money. With so many games online, Ganz did an amazing job by including any child with internet access a way to play! It's easy to register. Have an adult read terms and agree, sign in with players birthdate, user name, password, and email. Then generate a name! My World Name is Tangles Nestlebottom! Then just download the game! A Zing is one of the residents and you can name them and customize them and you can play with them! They are lovable and fun and they have lots of energy! Kids can complete missions and chat with friends in controlled environment and collect great prizes! If you register an Amazing World plush toy or Zing, you will bring your favorite character to life within the game and you'll get exclusive prizes. With a Toy, you get the virtual representation of the figure or plush within Amazing World. Full memberships can be purchased, but the perks are great!

Tell the world about Amazing World!

1) Tell the world about the Amazing World game on Twitter for a chance to WIN 2 Amazing World Toys!

2) You must use the Hashtag #AmazingWorldGame

3) You must mention that Amazing World is “free--‐to--‐play” in the tweet.

4) Post your Twitter name in the comments of this post, so we’re able to pick out one of our readers.


Come discover and explore Amazing World, a new free-to-play 3D virtual world full of challenges and fun! #AmazingWorldGame

I will choose 1 winner at the end of the contest . The contest ends August 24th, 2012 at 11:59pm (EST). US winners only please! Leave a comment below to let me know you entered!       Follow Amazing World on Facebook and Twitter @AmazingWorld! You can watch their video here!

Disclosure: Ganz won’t be held liable for any problems during the administration of the contest. The Gerber Babies Blog is fully responsible for administration of this contest. This is a sponsored post and opinions expressed are my own and not influenced in any way.

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