
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Personal Safety Equipment

For those of you following me on Facebook and Pinterest, you know I'm branching out and trying new things. One of them is baking, and I don't really need any safety equipment for that. I've been doing it for most of my life. I am starting to make all my breads and mixes from scratch. The other new thing I'm trying?  It's quite extreme for a person like me. I'm going to make old fashion lye soap using cold process. That may sound Greek to you, but everyone familiar with lye will know that it can be very dangerous. I need a lot of safety gear including glasses, gloves, mask, long sleeves to cover my arms, and probably a first aid kid and an ambulance on stand by. Just writing all that out scares me. Did I mention I'm accident prone? I need all the help I can get!!!

Just today, I spent hours online looking for supplies. I bought everything I needed and then, I get an email asking me to review EquipSupply! They were only an hour too late, but I will be keeping them in mind for future purchases. They have all the personal safety equipment that I need and they have great prices! Since I am going to New York this winter, I'm going to need winter gloves. This site has a great variety to keep my southern born hands nice and toasty! Their Polar Fleece Insulated Gloves would be my top pick! Who knows, maybe they even have something to keep my ears warm! I bet they do! I found so many things that I have created a small wish list. You should check them out! We could all use a little personal protection!

This is a sponsored post.

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