
Thursday, March 1, 2012

IvyRose Spica Chairs For Babies With Hip Dysplasia/Dislocation

Hip Dysplasia is more common than I thought. Hip Dysplasia is the medical name used to describe a problem with formation of the hip joint in children. The location of the problem can be either the ball of the hip joint, the socket of the hip joint, or both. Hip Dysplasia is most common in first born girls. Risk factors include children with a family history of hip dysplasia, babies born in breech position, and Oligohydraminos, which is a lack of intrauterine fluid. I never really knew what a parent or child went through when they were diagnosed until recently. Sometimes treatment involves a harness, and sometimes it involves casting a child or even surgery.
 Recently, I put a special baby's mom in touch with Stephanie, the owner of IvyRose Spica Chairs. Stephanie was able to create a custom chair for little Charlotte, who is currently undergoing treatment for her hip dysplasia. I offered to to do a full feature on her chairs after finding her website mentioned on a forum.
I was really shocked because I only found one mention of IvyRose Spica Chairs and I wanted to help get the word out. When I was pregnant, like many moms-to-be, I wanted to cutest products I could find. I had to have a special crib, high chair, and of course, the bouncers and the rockers. When a baby is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, there are special products for those special babies. I didn't know this before. I guess I expected sterile, gray, medical equipment that could be rented or bought from supply stores. Boring and disappointing. Now I know, and I want other parents out there to know more about these adorable chairs.
Stephanie is on of the most talented people I've had the pleasure of working with. She puts her heart into each and every chair, seeking perfection for children who will be using her chairs. This mother of seven knows what these parents are going through because her youngest daughter was born with dislocated hips. She helps guide other parents through the steps needed to customize each chair so it will fit your child perfectly. Then, she creates the most playful, elaborate designs that will simply melt your heart. You must visit her site and see her teapot design!
 The chair was shipped to Charlotte and her mommy put it together very quickly. When I visited Charlotte and her special chair, I was overwhelmed by the beautiful work of art. The sides of the chair were cut to look like a bird and it rocked ever-so-gently when pushed. The top was removable and even has a chalkboard on one side! I love it!
 The top is padded so it's very comfortable for Charlotte. The seat is also padded and there is plenty of legroom. I noticed how easy it was to get Charlotte into the chair. The safety strap is easy to adjust and it helps keep Charlotte in place! Charlotte loves her adorable little Pug and Stephanie made sure to paint him in the garden. She painted a garden with so much detail, I wanted to lean down and smell the roses. I was so amazed with the artistry and work that went into this chair. She does this for all of her IvyRose kids! Just take a look at the chairs she has made for those special children!
 When Charlotte is older, she can rock in her chair without mom and dad's help. She can also read books and play in her chair. Her "table" is perfect for drawing and keeping things within reach. The chair is light enough to take from room to room, as long as you have both hands free. It's very sturdy and I think it's heirloom quality and will last for years.
 Look for more posts soon. I am thankful to Stephanie for creating this adorable chair for Charlotte. It's more than we could have hoped for. I never knew furniture like this existed. I hope you will spread the word and remember this special company!
Disclosure: Chair was provided at no cost in order to complete this feature. I am looking forward to sharing more about Stephanie and her special furniture for special kids.

1 comment:

  1. Such kind of products are very essential for ever little one because these make your baby happy and comfortable so buy now Baby Products

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