
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Guest Post: My new business in NYC

My new business in NYC

Posted by Arden Wallace

I have always wanted to start my own business so when the time was right I finally pulled the trigger. I opened my shop in May of last year and I am coming up on my one year anniversary very soon. When I look back at all of the things that I have learned over the past year I am really quite amazed at how little I knew starting my own business. I had some general ideas about things but nothing can compare to the hands on experiences I have had in the past year. One thing that I learned was that a small business in 2011 cannot survive without great internet which is why I am glad a friend suggested new york T1 to me at the very beginning. The service has been great and the connection is always fast. I can’t have internet issues slowing me down when I am in my peak season from October to December! Thankfully I had no issues this past year and I will continue my relationship with them far in to the future.

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