
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holiday Gift Guide: Time 4 Learning

We homeschool our kids and we have been using books and workbooks for most of our lessons. This year, I changed things up a bit and Logan is thrilled! When I purchased Logan's Math program, I bought an internet/workbook combination so he could have more computer experience. He loved it so much, I began searching for an online program that would supplement his lessons. I searched everywhere and almost settled on one program before finding Time 4 Learning. Logan has been using it for over a month. After he completes a lesson, I can go back and see how he did! Time4Learning is a new approach that takes advantage of today's technology. It's a convenient, online home education program that combines learning with fun educational teaching games. It can be used as a primary homeschool source or as a supplement.The online language arts and math comprise a comprehensive program for preschool, elementary school, and middle school. Science and social studies programs are provided as a free bonus for most grades. Logan loves using the computer to learn and to develop his skills. It allows him the opportunity to study independently and to progress at his own pace. The program tracks progress and helps Logan advance along individualized learning paths. He can master the skills and concepts needed for academic success. If you have a child with math and reading skills at different grade levels, it's not a problem! When you register, you can pick up to three grade levels and your child can advance after mastering the lessons. My favorite part of the program? Logan is happy and looks forward to his lessons. If your child is homeschooled or attends traditional schools, consider Time 4 Learning. It is a wonderful tutor or supplement. I would even consider it for a primary source for our homeschool lessons. It's a little early for me to make that decision, but I am really happy with the program. Logan loves the graphics and having an "alternative" teacher may come in handy. The parent's forum is a great asset and the program costs us less than $15/month.

Want to know more? Check out their site!

Time4Learning for Homeschool, Afterschool, or Summer Use

The Time4Learning curriculum can be the foundation of a homeschool program. Many homeschool families use Time4Learning as core curriculum in one or more subjects. Others families use Time4Learning to supplement other homeschool curriculum with a fun, interactive reinforcement of the day's lessons. Families with children in public or private schools use Time4Learning afterschool as an alternative to tutoring, learning centers, or supplementary workbooks. Time4Learning is also popular as a summer skills sharpener or in place of attending summer school.

An Online, Interactive Curriculum Proven Effective in Teaching Millions of Students Just Like Yours

The Time4Learning program has been refined through years of feedback from educators, parents, and students. Animated lessons are followed by interactive activities, printable worksheets, and assessments to assure a student's mastery of skills. The lessons teach the concepts that build a solid foundation and the exercises refine the skills and habits that provide ongoing success.
The Time4Learning educational software partner is CompassLearning®, which provides a standards-based online education curriculum for millions of students in school districts across the U.S.
Language Arts/English Programs

The Time4Learning language arts program teaches and improves phonemic awareness (reading readiness), phonics, reading fluency, vocabulary and comprehension in the lower elementary level. In upper elementary and middle school, the language arts program emphasizes reading comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, punctuation, word roots, literary analysis, and critical thinking. View our language arts curriculum overview page.

Learn-to-Read Programs

Learning to read is an exciting time for children and their families. While thrilled by their children's emerging literacy and reading skills, many parents are surprised to learn that reading is not automatic and that regardless of family background, children require support in learning to read and developing strong language arts skills. Most adults forget that acquiring reading skills required skilled instruction. Time4Learning starts with phonemic awareness, advances to phonics and then on to solid reading comprehension skills.
Math Programs

The Time4Learning student-paced, fun approach to math can help children overcome any anxiety by building solid math skills at their speed. The Time4Learning integrated system blends conceptual explanations, learning activities and games, loads of practice for reinforcement, and ongoing assessment. Our "learn math" program offers children the opportunity to explore the world of math through hands-on, real world simulations. As kids build proficiency in a safe, supportive environment, they become "good at math". Gifted math students appreciate that Time4Learning lets them move forward at their own pace and advance grades by individual subjects. Visit our math or algebra curriculum overview page, or read about conquering math anxiety.

Science and Social Studies

Time4Learning includes a science and social studies program as a bonus in most grades. The science lessons cover life science, physical science, geology, astronomy, weather, life cycles, biology, sound, light, matter, and energy. The social studies lessons bring to life a range of topics including ancient history and civilizations, modern history, geography, civics instruction, and political science.
Homeschooling Curriculum

There are many different reasons to homeschool. Homeschooling parents share some common problems, including organizing their children's curriculum and scheduling their family's time. The Time4Learning self-running curriculum can provide the basis of a homeschool program or can supplement other programs with an enriching, easy-to-use program ensuring that the basics are covered, allowing more time to explore student-directed subjects.

Enrichment for Remediation, Special Needs, Afterschool, or Summer School

Many children benefit from supplementary tutoring to help them keep up, to engage more fully in their studies, or to provide them with an extra challenge. The Time4Learning interactive curriculum is an engaging approach to supplementary learning. Why drive to a tutoring center or make your children struggle with workbooks when Time4Learning provides effective, fun learning at home?
Fun, Effective, Easy-to-use Online Learning

Time4Learning provides interactive curriculum with printable worksheets for reinforcement, has a low monthly price, does not require a long term contract, and even provides a 100% satisfaction guarantee so you can make sure that it works for your kids! Start using it today; registration takes minutes. Or, to learn more, you can experience for yourself our sample lessons, review the complete lesson plans, or discuss your questions with other parents online. But don't wait too long, your child's education is at stake. Time4Learning has helped thousands of children.

Grandparents and parents, this is a great gift that keeps giving! As we use the program more, I'll keep you updated. So far, we're really happy with the program!

Disclosure: As a member of Time4Learning, I have been asked to review their online education program and share my experiences. While I was compensated, this review was not written or edited by Time4Learning and my opinion is entirely my own. Write your own curriculum review or learn how to use their curriculum for homeschool, after school study or summer learning.


  1. Time4Learning is the best. I really like their homeschooling parents forum.

    They also have a sister site,, for kids who need instruction in writing

  2. We have been using Time4Learning off and on for years! (at the end of Feb we will have 6 years of homeschooling under our belt woohoo!) The program works really well for my son as he has a difficult time focusing due to his special needs but he is able to on the computer. My daughter who is 10just started independently getting up in the morning and doing hers before I get up. She is an early riser and I am not. Great review!!
