Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Holiday Dinner: Butterball Giveaway!

I love the holidays! There's nothing like great food, family and friends to warm my heart! During the holidays, we have a lot of get togethers with family and smaller dinner parties for friends. It wouldn't be the same without Butterball! I've made a Butterball Turkey every Thanksgiving and Christmas for the last three years. I haven't roasted, fried, or smoked a Butterball Turkey that didn't live up to or exceed my expectations! When turkey is my holiday centerpiece, I can't afford anything less than perfection! It doesn't matter which method of cooking I use, it is always moist and flavorful! Each Thanksgiving, I try to make everything perfect for everyone. I always set up a table for the kids and allow them to decorate their own Thanksgiving themed cookies or cupcakes! It gives the adults time to enjoy each other and the kids are never bored! The mess is worth it!
Two US readers will win a $15 Butterball Coupon! To enter, tell me your favorite tips for making Thanksgiving better for your family! Leave your answer in a comment below! Bonus entries: Blog or tweet about this giveaway for three bonus entries! Follow me on Google/Networked Blogs/Facebook/Twitter for one entry each follow. Links are on my sidebar. You can also follow my new blog, Away We Go, with Google/GFC for one extra entry! Giveaway ends midnight November 18, 2011! Good luck!

Disclosure: I was sent this product in order to complete my review. Honest opinions given and no monetary compensation received. Giveaway provided by Butterball or representing PR firm. Winner has two days to respond to my email. If response is not received, and alternate winner will be chosen.


Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I think the best tip. remember this is suppose to be about getting together. So many times we let the stress of cooking and having people overtake away the joy of having all that company and laughter in your home.
vmkids3 at msn dot com

richtortora said...

I get the most out of our holiday turkey by using every last bit. This usually means turkey salad sandwiches with the white meat. The dark meat and bones are used for stock, chow mein and soup.

Unknown said...

The best tip I have it to do as much in advance as you can. Don't forget to ask for help if you need it. It is more fun in the kitchen with others - sharing, laughing, making memories to last a life time. trinitygsd at yahoo dto ocm

debbie said...

I actually let my son pick out one dish and make it each year. Granted, the first time it was popcorn. We had fun snacking on it during the day. We still talk about that. It is one way to make kids feel involved and helping with the meal.
The meal is great, and alot of work, but that is not the reason for the day. I do as much ahead of time, so that I am not to tired to enjoy spending the day with my family.

kygirl said...

My tip is to remember to be Thankful.

Anonymous said...

My tip is to relax! So what if the potatoes are lumpy. It really doesn't matter that much!

ighmeg at yahoo dot com

mogrill said...

We take turns saying how thankful we are and for what.
Thanks for the chance.

maria g said...

We let my sister take all the little ones to the playground while my mom and I cook so they expend some of that energy and also so we have a chance to fix up dinner without a bunch of kids running around.

hookedonafeline999 at yahoo dot com

Ellie Wright said...

My tip is to prepare ahead of time everything except the turkey. Then you just have to cook the bird and heat all the sides and desserts up on Thanksgiving.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...


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JC said...

My tip is don't over do it. Spend more quality together is more important.

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McKim said...

I try and keep things low key. Not a lot of activities planned. Just visiting, eating, and more eating!

McKim said...

I 'like' Gerber Babies on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

every year we rotate who hosts Thanksgiving. Everyone also bring a pie each to make it less stressful for the hostess and someone always has a camera to take way too many pictures :)

pokergrl8 at

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Deborah Wellenstein said...

We serve plenty of wine-LOL! Making what you can in advance in the best tip I have.

dwellenstein at cox dot net

lkvoyer said...

I like to get my daughters involved in the preparation and we try to do a lot of the prep the night before. They love helping and there is a lot of things for little hands to help with, such as ripping up bread for stuffing. LKVOYER at aol dot com

lkvoyer said...

Following on GFC. LKVOYER at aol dot com

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Rusthawk said...

To make things easy we keep it very informal and laid back. Guests are welcome to bring a dish if they wish but I just cook a large spread and everyone is welcome.

Rusthawk said...

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Chip said...
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Chip said...

We don't have family around here. They are 12 hours away so I invite others who would be alone for the holidays. This year, there will be 4 joining us for Thanksgiving. The kids love having a house full of people. It helps us to remember to be thankful for the family we do have. Good tip for us.

Chip said...

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AMY said...

The best tip I have is to remember to be thankful and don't sweat the small stuff. Just enjoy your family. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

AMY said...

gfc follower of your new blog cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Barbara Bee said...

My family has a better holiday when Mom has a better holiday. LOL So I make sure to take time for myself to relax and chill out and remember that no matter what goes wrong with the food or the furnace etc., as long as the family is together everything is fine.

jennem said...

We plan a fun activity for after dinner, like making Christmas wreaths or a silly group video.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

Kristy Thiel said...

What a great contest! My best tip is to remember why you're doing thanksgiving and not worry so much about all the details! :) Thanks for hosting!

Lois S said...

My tip is to not to try to do it all. I have learned to scale back a lot and to ask for the help of others.

Lois S said...
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Lois S said...

I follow on Networked blogs Lois Shores

Katrina said...

we cook the meal together as a family.
ykatrina at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

start making some stuff the night before

Erica C. said...

We make sure we have healthy options at the table, so no one feels pressured to eat badly.

Lois S said...


Lois S said...

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Toystory said...

Make sure you make a favorite of each child, they can't wait for it, and at least eat that. And they don't complain!
1prizewinner at gmail dot com

laurasloves said...

My best tip is to remember that the mistakes made that day are the sweet memories of tomorrow. My grandmother taught me that when I was a little girl and I have never forgotten it. The burnt pies or cookies or the not quite mashed potatoes are the things you laugh about later when you are all together. No mistake is so bad that it could ruin a day when you are gathered together by love.
laura dot emerson at gmail dot com

laurasloves said...

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laura dot hopelessromantic dot emerson at gmail dot com

Tammy said...

Make everything that you can homemade. It just tastes so much better!

Tammy said...

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BEFFY! said...

Making dinner better for my family is having all my family together for dinner! It's tough when my husband is a pilot and often has to work holidays, but this year he is off and will be home! Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy delong said...

my tip is relax and enjoy each others company

EmmaPeel said...

Freeze in portions for leftover meals such as soups, sandwiches or casserole dishes


Anonymous said...

We try to get everyone involved if possible. Whether it's helping prepare the meal. Set the table, make or help serve the desserts. Everyone does something

Anonymous said...

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Mary Gardner said...

try to do as much as possible ahead of time and serve things that your family loves but that don't take too long to prepare so you are not exhausted and can enjoy time with your family.

marygardner49 at aol dot com

Mary Gardner said...


marygardner49 at aol dot com

Mary Gardner said...


marygardner49 at aol dot com

Mary Gardner said...


marygardner49 at aol dot com

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marygardner49 at aol dot com

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i follow you on Twitter as carolinamosaic

marygardner49 at aol dot com

Missybeez said...

My tip is to have everyone in the family bring a covered dish, so one person will not feel overwelmed by doing all the cooking.

Missybeez said...

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PAIGE said...

My tip is relaxation. Everyone is casual at my house and we embrace the Cowboy game more than stress.

HSingMama said...

My tip that I have learned over the years is that it doesn't have to be perfect! Remember what matters most... and that is spending that most precious time with our loved ones. Life is too short to stress about unimportant things like how the house looks or if my china matches. :o) Been there, done that. Make the food you love and be with the ones you love. :o)

tiffany.hoyt said...

I ask everyone what they want to eat so that everyone is happy.

tiffany.hoyt said...

I follow on Twitter as HoytTiffany

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bored2quickly said...

My best tip is to do as much preparation in advance as possible! Also, remember to relax and enjoy your family! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters

susansmoaks said...

my best tip is to plan ahead and do as much as possible before the actual day of the event
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

dlhaley said...

My best tip is to prepare what you can the day before.

dlhaley said...

NetworkedBlog follower. Donna Haley

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great contest!

kdkdkd said...

I make it better by keeping us home and not running around everywhere trying to make everyone else happy. My kids deserve to enjoy the holiday, nit deal with stress.

Anonymous said...

My best tip is let others help with cooking and clean up and also to spend time with the ones you love!

Anonymous said...


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Kristin said...

No drama, no talking about people, no negativity. Total negativity-free zone on Thanksgiving, period. Can't wait. LOL.

wowknk at gmail dot com

Kristin said...

i follow on GFC (Kristin).

wowknk at gmail dot com

ezmerelda said...

My best advice is to do what you can in advance and to get a cheesecake for dessert. Both of these things will leave you more time to spend with the people you love.

ezmerelda at mail dot com

ezmerelda said...

I follow via GFC -- ezmerelda

ezmerelda at mail dot com

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the our place, extra dressing is required (i.e. two casserole pans worth !) for a successful Thanksgiving dinner !

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Sand said...

Prepare as much as possible the day before that way you're not rushed the day of.

Kia89 said...

My tip is to prepare all your food ahead of time.

susan said...

We make it better by doing it potluck style so we contribute and not stress about the food!

susan said...

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