
Friday, October 14, 2011

Life Happens... Protect Your Family

I have life insurance and I know if I pass away my family will not have to worry about paying my final expenses or private school tuition, which is important to me because I homeschool our children. My husband has life insurance too. We both wanted to know that our children would be taken care of if they lost one or both parents. Many do not have life insurance and I know a few that think life insurance is out of their reach.

September was Life Insurance Awareness Month, and now is the perfect time to think about protecting the most important people in our lives. The nonprofit LIFE Foundation sponsors Life Insurance Awareness Month in response to the growing problem of too many families not having adequate life insurance protection. According to the industry research group LIMRA, 11 million U.S. households with children under age 18 have no coverage. Those families are just one illness or accident away from a financial crisis, and something needs to be done about it. That's why LIFE has created the "Insure Your Love Picture Mosaic" in support of Life Insurance Awareness Month.

The "Insure Your Love Picture Mosaic" is designed to recognize and celebrate those who have made the responsible decision to protect their loved ones by owning life insurance, while also introducing them to a larger community of others who have made the same choice. People are encouraged to upload up to 20 photos of their loved ones, whose financial future has been safeguarded by their decision to purchase life insurance.

By adding your photos to the mosaic, you will also be helping out a great cause. For each photo uploaded, $1 will be donated to the LIFE Lessons Scholarship Program, which provides tuition assistance to students who have lost a parent and are struggling to achieve their dream of a college education.Visit the Life Foundation's Facebook page and like them. Afterwards, add up to twenty photos to their mosaic!

Disclosure: I received a gift card as part of a promotional program with the LIFE Foundation and MomSelect.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately given right advice to If you live happy so protect your family by the life insurance.

    payment protection insurance
