
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Put This On Your Wish...Want...Need List!

I love Etsy. I can always count on great people with the greatest homemade products available. One of my finds is Fig & Kindle, which I wronged by not posting my review in a timely manner. For that, I am truly sorry, Sarah. But also, I need to apologize to my readers. You will have to wait to check out Fig & Kindle's scrumptious gourmet delights that go well beyond ordinary. Her desserts are unique and creative, and she has a passion for putting together flavors that you might not see very often. She can tempt your tastebuds with the most unexpected combinations and leave you craving more.
 Fig & Kindle sent us the most refreshing Lemon Rosemary Cookies and not only were they gorgeous, perfectly formed cookies, but they were absolutely divine. Bits of homegrown rosemary, it's fragrance and flavor enhancing each bite, complimented the wonderful lemon flavor that can only be accomplished using real lemon. I tasted nothing artificial and each bite made me want to take another...and another! I will be not-so-patiently awaiting Fig & Kindle's return and keep you posted. This is one shop that must be checked out!
Disclosure: I was sent cookies in order to complete this review. No monetary compensation received.

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