
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Crest 3D White Whitestrips: Holiday Must-Have!

I bleach my teeth. In fact, I bleach two-three times a year. It's a little messy, but I suffer through it. But that's not all. When I get a cleaning, I get an in-office bleaching. It's not messy, but I cringe when that intense light begins to create an almost unbearable pain in my teeth! My teeth are already sensitive, and that in-office procedure hurts! Recently, I tried something new. Crest 3D White Whitestrips-Professional Effects. I skipped my last cleaning (shame on me) and it had been about three months since I bleached. When I used my first set of strips, I noticed the lack of mess. No syringes full of goo, and no excess running out into my mouth! The strips are not slippery like the ones I used years ago. They grip, almost like tape. I felt some slight bubbling but other than that, I forgot I was wearing them. You do have a peroxide flavor in your mouth while you are bleaching, but it isn't overpowering. They really do work as well as my prescription bleach that my dentist gives me, and I am very happy with the results! Brighten your smile in time for those holiday snapshots! Give Crest 3D White Whitestrips a try!
Disclosure: I was sent a box of Crest 3D White Whitestrips Professional Effects for review. No monetary compensation received.

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