Friday, November 12, 2010

Butterball Giveaway!

Turkeys are not all the same. Trust me on this one. I've had several different brands over the years and even though I've had some great turkey, Butterball Turkeys always take the coveted spot on my Thanksgiving dinner table. Their turkeys are flavorful, moist, and priced for any budget. We've smoked them, fried them, roasted and baked them. They always turn out beautifully! Butterball's site is packed with tips, recipes and helpful guides! You can also use their calculator to help you pick the right turkey for your family! Just in time for Thanksgiving, Butterball is giving two of my readers a $15 coupon to use towards any Butterball fresh or frozen whole turkey! US residents only. To enter, leave a comment and tell me how you will celebrate Thanksgiving! Are you cooking for a crowd or going to visit family? For a second entry, tell me what side dish you are looking forward to the most! Follow me (facebook,google,twitter,networked blogs) for one extra entry for each follow! Follow Butterball on twitter or like them on facebook for two extra entries each! Giveaway ends midnight, November 18, 2010. Good luck! Two winners will be chosen!
Disclosure: Butterball provided me with coupons for giveaway and review. No monetary compensation received.


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susan said...

We always celebrate with family ~ not a very big crowd!

susan said...

I love the mashed potato.

susan said...

I follow Butterball on twitter 1.

susan said...

I follow Butterball on twitter 2.

susan said...

I follow you on Twitter.

susan said...

I follow you on networked blogs.

debbie said...

This year it will be just me and my son. This is the first time without the rest of the family.

debbie said...

I am looking forward to the dressing and gravy.

debbie said...

I liked them on FB

debbie said...

I liked them on FB


small group


sweet potatoes

5webs said...

I am just cooking for my family of five. I have a relative coming at Christmas, but no one at Thanksgiving. We cook all of the traditional stuff.
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

The side dish that I most look forward to is Sweet Potato Souffle.
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

I follow you on GFC(5webs)
Alicia Webster

Jenn S. said...

This year we are hosting Thanksgiving dinner, there will be between 10 and 12. Can't wait to see everyone.
jas8929 at gmail dot com

BowieTip said...

Thanksgiving is a time to bring the family together.

Flowerg said...

I will be a visitor this year for Thanksgiving at my aunt's house. But I will be helping in the kitchen!

Flowerg said...

I love the yam casserole the best! So yummy :)

Flowerg said...

Followed you on google.

Flowerg said...

Friend requested you on Facebook at 8:06 a.m.

Flowerg said...

#1 Following Butterball on twitter @romapr09

Flowerg said...

#2 Following Butterball on twitter @romapr09

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Liked Butterball on Facebook #1

Flowerg said...

Liked Butterball on Facebook #2

Anonymous said...

My parents house!

Monkey Momma said...

We're going to be having a small celebration at home - I'm cooking :D

Monkey Momma said...

The side dish I'm looking most forward to is stuffing! For some reason, we only have it for Thanksgiving and Xmas so I've been waiting all year for it! :D

Mamushi Love said...

I don't think it'll be a "celebration" of sorts since it's just me and my sister. All I know is that I'll have to cook earlier than usual since she goes into work later on. :P

Kia89 said...

I will celebrate Thanksgiving with all of my family.

Sarah G. said...

Dinner w/the in laws and extended family members. We all bring a dish to contribute to dinner.

llinda29 said...

We spend our time with family

llinda29 said...

My fave is the mashed potatoes

nick said...


Ellie Wright said...

I'll be cooking for my immediate family. Husband, three sons, two daughters-in-law, and two grandsons. So 9 total. i always cook enough for an army.
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

I'm looking forward to the cornbread dressing the most.
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

I follow Butterball on FB (Ellie Wright)
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

I follow Butterball on FB (Ellie Wright)
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

I follow Butterball you on Twitter @eswright18
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

I follow Butterball you on Twitter @eswright18
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Missybeez said...

Every year we rent out a big banquet hall and have all of my family come from all over and we have a great time.

Missybeez said...

The side dish i am looking towards is my aunts stuffing.

Missybeez said...

Follow GFC

sksweeps said...

We always celebrate with family, not lots of us in the area, but together. Some years it's turkey, some it's prime rib! Nice to have variety!

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

GabbyLowe said...

We will be going to my mom-lots of family but no cooking for me!

GabbyLowe said...

i am looking for forward to pumpkin pie

GabbyLowe said...

follow butterball ln twitter-gabbylowe

GabbyLowe said...

follow butterball ln twitter-gabbylowe

GabbyLowe said...

follow on google

GabbyLowe said...

follow you on twitter-gabbylowe

GabbyLowe said...

network blogs-Laura DeLuca

GabbyLowe said...

fan of butterball on FB-Laura DeLuca

GabbyLowe said...

fan of butterball on FB-Laura DeLuca

Karen said...

We always celebrate at my house with just my daughters. This year we have 2 more guests joining us.

kygirl said...

I am cooking for the whole bunch. I really don't mind I do get lots of help from hubby.


Anonymous said...

We celebrate Thanksgiving German style at my mom-in-law's. We have fancy long weiners, German potato salad, broichen (rolls), and ox tail soup! (it really is good!) lol! ;)
Sharon Harmon

Linda said...

Our family won't be home this year so we are going out to a local restaurant, I can't wait to dig into the dressing!

CAROLINA said...

I'm going to my mother's to celebrate. My brother and his girlfriend will also be there.

I'll wait to see what dish I will be assigned to prepare. It usually is a side dish.

CAROLINA said...

As for the dish I am eagerly anticipating, its the stuffing. My mother makes a great stuffing that is bread crumbs, sausage, mushrooms, and wine soaked mushrooms. It is delicious.

tristatecruisers said...

i will cook Thanksgiving Dinner here at home :)

marci h
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

tristatecruisers said...

i love the stuffing and pumpkin pie :)

marci h
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

tristatecruisers said...

like Butterball on FB entry 1

marci h
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

tristatecruisers said...

like Butterball on FB entry 2

marci h
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

tristatecruisers said...

follow via Networked Blogs :)

marci h
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

tristatecruisers said...

like you on FB :)

marci h
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

marcia goss said...

I will be cooking for 5--my husband and myself, daughter, son, and granddaughter.

marcia goss said...

I follow you on Networked Blogs.

marcia goss said...

My favorite side dish is my dressing.

marcia goss said...

I like Butterball on Facebook.

marcia goss said...

I like Butterball on Facebook #2

marcia goss said...

I follow Butterball on Twitter @mgoss123.

marcia goss said...

I follow Butterball on Twitter @mgoss123.
entry #2

Jennifer Wilson said...

It's usually just my mother and me. We have little family.

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Jennifer Wilson said...

I'm looking forward to stuffing -- and cranberry sauce.

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Jennifer Wilson said...

I follow Butterball on twitter. jenndiggy 1

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Jennifer Wilson said...

I follow Butterball on twitter. jenndiggy 2

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Jennifer Wilson said...

I follow Butterball on facebook. jenndiggy 1

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Jennifer Wilson said...

I follow Butterball on facebook. jenndiggy 2

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Jennifer Wilson said...

I follow you google friend connect. jenndiggy

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Ellen C. said...

We will be visiting our parents for Thanksgiving. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Pat said...

This year just my husband and I for Thanksgiving.
pkildow at gmail dot com

Pat said...

I'm most looking forward to the pumpkin pie!
pkildow at gmail dot com

Venus Montoya said...

We have open house for family and friends a lot of which don't have family nearby! We have a blast!

Anonymous said...

We celebrate with my mom with some yummy food
thank you

Anonymous said...

I follow on nb
thank you

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to stuffing
thank you

magic5905 said...

We will be cooking for 10 this year. Thanks.

Unknown said...

We spend our Thanksgiving cooking for all of our family! It's great!

Unknown said...

My favorite side is 7 Layer Salad!! It's delicious!!!

mogrill said...

I cook for only 6 people (including myself) this year.
Thanks for the chance.

Luvdaylilies said...

I will be hosting Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year=) I'm really looking forward to good food, fun & family!
Thanks so much,
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

Luvdaylilies said...

My favorte side dish is Sweet Potato Casserole~yum!
Thanks so much,
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

Luvdaylilies said...

I'm now following your blog via GFC~Luvdaylilies
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

Luvdaylilies said...

Twitter follower~Luvdaylilies
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

Luvdaylilies said...

Entry 1 Following Butterball on twitter~Luvdaylilies
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

Luvdaylilies said...

Entry 2 Following Butterball on twitter~Luvdaylilies
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

Anonymous said...

we always go to familys house
joni(dot)taylor3710 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love turkey with green bean casserole
joni(dot)taylor3710 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

GFC follower
joni(dot)taylor3710 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

your facebook friend
joni taylor
joni(dot)taylor3710 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow via network blogs
joni taylor
joni(dot)taylor3710 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like Butterball on facebook 1
joni taylor
joni(dot)taylor3710 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like butterball on facebook 2
joni taylor
joni(dot)taylor3710 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow butterball on twitter 1
joni(dot)taylor3710 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

i follow butterball on twitter 2
joni(dot)taylor3710 at gmail dot com

celtchick said...

We do our own dinner on Thanksgiving, then on Saturday we get together with all 8 of my siblings, their kids and grandkids.

celtchick said...

My favortie side is mashed potatoes with pan gravy

jlafount said...

I just cook a tiny turkey for two with the usual potatoes, rolls, gravy and veg

wcc said...

I normally cook for my small family the usual yummy Thanksgiving fare. Thanks for the chance! :)
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I'm looking mostly forward to stuffing.YUM!
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I'm a blog follower via GFC.
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I like you on Facebook (username: Les Cerises).
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I follow Butterball on twitter (@whitechocolatec). #1
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I follow Butterball on twitter (@whitechocolatec). #2
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I like Butterball on Facebook (username: Les Cerises). #1
whitechocolatecherries at

wcc said...

I like Butterball on Facebook (username: Les Cerises). #2
whitechocolatecherries at

taxchyk said...

This year I'm headed to my sister's. Typically thta means I get up with her in the morning, she organizes and I chop, peel and pears.

taxchyk said...

My very favorite Thanksgiving side dish is freshly made cranberry-orange relish. Yum!

littlelatina said...

I celebrate with my parents and my kids. We love our Turkey with rice, stuffing, salad and drinks

Erica C. said...

We are cooking dinner at our house...but just a small amount of people will be there...more leftovers for me!

April said...

I'll be at my mom's house with my extended family celebrating. Mom and I will be busy in the kitchen while the rest watch football in the family room. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
caliblonde1979 at live dot com

April said...

The side dish I'm looking forward to this year (and pretty much every year) is my homemade cranberry sauce. Thanks again!
caliblonde1979 at live dot com

Debbie C said...

I will be cooking about half of the dinner and taking it to my Mom's house where we will all dine together.

Debbie C said...

I am most looking forward to the cornbread dressing with gravy.

Debbie C said...

I follow you on Google Friend Connect. (Debbie C)

Jessica said...

We recently moved across country, so I will only be cooking for my immediate family
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I follow your blog through google friend connect
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I follow through Networked Blogs
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I like Butterball on facebook (Jessica Miller)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I like Butterball on facebook (Jessica Miller)2
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

JRG said...

Just the spouse and I, eating at home.

tesashel said...

For Thanksgiving I'm just cooking for my small family, but as usual I'll be cooking enough to last us a month!!!

tesashel said...

I'm most looking forward to my pecan pies. I try not to eat them during the year, so I certainly splurge and enjoy them during the holidays!

tesashel said...

Follow Butterball on Twitter: tesashel

tesashel said...

Follow Butterball on Twitter: tesashel

tesashel said...

Like Butterball on FB: Tesa Shelton

tesashel said...

Like Butterball on FB: Tesa Shelton

pattycake said...

I go to my cousing's for thanksgiving

pattycake said...

look forward to pumpkin pie

pattycake said...

follow butterball on twitter entry 1

pattycake said...

follow butterball on twitter entry 2

Deb F. said...

I will be cooking for my immediate family. There are five of us.

Deb F. said...

I am looking forward to the mashed potatoes and gravy!

Jen @ Frugal Mommy Tips said...

We will be celebrating with my family over at my parents' house.

frugalmommytips at

Jen @ Frugal Mommy Tips said...

I am looking most forward to the stuffing!

frugalmommytips at

Jen @ Frugal Mommy Tips said...

I follow you on facebook (Jen V.)

frugalmommytips at

Jen @ Frugal Mommy Tips said...

I follow you on Networked Blogs (Jen V)

frugalmommytips at

Jen @ Frugal Mommy Tips said...

I follow butterball on twitter as greatgiveaways.

entry #1

frugalmommytips at

Jen @ Frugal Mommy Tips said...

I follow butterball on twitter as greatgiveaways.

entry #2

frugalmommytips at

Jen @ Frugal Mommy Tips said...

I "like" Butterball on facebook (Jen V.)
entry #1

frugalmommytips at

Jen @ Frugal Mommy Tips said...

I "like" Butterball on facebook (Jen V.)
entry #2

frugalmommytips at

Tonya Dean said...

Just us family at home. Nice and quiet.


Unknown said...

eating with my family.about 6 of us

Unknown said...

im looking forward to eating the stuffing

Kathy S said...

We are spending Thanksgiving with my son and his wife at their home and our daughter & her family and my daughter in law's family. It will be bittersweet because my son and his wife are moving to the other side of the country and it will be only the 2nd and last Thanksgiving in their home.

Kathy S said...

I always look forward to the homemade cranberry chutney that is served for special holidays only!

Hotsnotty2 said...

My whole family is going to my mom's house, she will be cooking! Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

We usually host and invite a huge group of friends and family

Unknown said...

I follow via gfc

Unknown said...

I love cornbread stuffing

Unknown said...

twitter follower, @shopgurl

Unknown said...

facebook follower, Evleyn D

Unknown said...

networked blog follower, Evleyn D

Unknown said...

butterball twitter follower, @shopgurl

Unknown said...

butterball facebook follower, Evleyn D

Unknown said...

butterball facebook follower, Evleyn D

Unknown said...

butterball twitter follower, @shopgurl


Joseph said...

Firstly I will be Dog/House sitting during the Thanksgiving holiday.

But I will be spending it with my family, we are expecting 24 possibly 27 for dinner.

Joseph said...

Second entry:

I'm looking forward to my Mom making her famous "Green Smile" salad. It's mouth-watering delicious!

Lime jello, 7up, pineapple and cream cheese. I think are the basic ingredients.

AmyLynn said...

We have a busy day with Thanksgiving. We have 2 family meals that are always celebrated at the same we go to my parents first spend some time their and then head to DH's family meal.

AmyLynn said...

I am looking forward to the green bean casserole.

AmyLynn said...

Following Butterball on twitter: hillfam2005 #1

AmyLynn said...

Following Butterball on twitter: hillfam2005 #2

AmyLynn said...

Following Butterball on Facebook. #1

AmyLynn said...

Following Butterball on Facebook. #2

AmyLynn said...

Following you on twitter: hillfam2005

AmyLynn said...

Following via networked blogs.

AmyLynn said...

Following via gfc.

souldolphindream said...

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! I will celebrate the birthday of my princess 7 years ago at 9:05pm. I will also be cooking for our small family and making my daughter's cake with my 8 year old son

souldolphindream said...

My favorite side has to be my mashed pototoes with fresh garlic and cheese! yummy

souldolphindream said...

Follow butterball on twitter @ souldolphin

souldolphindream said...

Follow Butterball on twitter@souldolphin #2

souldolphindream said...

Follow you on google@ souldolphindream

Dorothy7 said...

After we have a great meal we play card together for the rest of the day!

Deborah Wellenstein said...

We will be cooking the dinner for our family.

Deborah Wellenstein said...

My favorite side dish is stuffing!

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I like Butterball on Facebook as Debbi Otto Wellenstein. (1)

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I like Butterball on Facebook as Debbi Otto Wellenstein. (2)

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I follow you via GFC as dwellenstein.

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I follow you on Networked Blogs as Debbi Otto Wellenstein.

Tammy said...

We are having a small group of family and friends over!

Susan said...

We have a small family. suelee1998 @

Susan said...

I love stuffing suelee1998 @

Susan said...

I follow your blog via gfc suelee1998 @

Carolyn said...

I just got married and I'm so excited to celebrate Thanksgiving with my new husband in our first home together!


Amy delong said...

we are cooking here

Amy delong said...

mashed potato is my fav

Queen Nut said...

We will be doing a small thanksgiving this year. So it'll just be 5 for dinner that night instead of the usual 20-30
squirrelkarma at gmail dot com

Melanie Montgomery said...

Im gonna celebrate with my family.

MizVickik said...

I'm looking forward to cooking for the family! (a small but hungry crowd, lol) Thanks!!

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