
Monday, July 5, 2010

I Had An Affair... On A Stick

A while back, I was introduced to Weiser Classic Candy. Simply...The Best they say and I had to find out if it was true. I received a generous assortment of everything that sparked an interest and I divided each piece so I could savor the experience! I had an Affair on a Stick! They say it's so good, you'll want to keep it hidden from those you love. I've had chocolate covered pretzels, but this was over the top! A large pretzel rod coated with thick caramel, dipped in chocolate, and sprinkled with a rainbow! I swear to you, I couldn't keep it hidden because everyone could hear how good this was, even though I was in a different room! My Mmmms and OMG's created quite a stir, so I had to break out my stash and share, or risk being tortured with feelings of guilt for days or weeks.
I'm a popcorn fanatic and I love good Carmel Pop Corn. I've had mail order carmel popcorn before and I wasn't impressed. Shipping isn't always kind to those carmel coated popped kernels of corn, so I had my doubts about this one. I saved it for a special occasion. Movie night! I reluctantly poured it into a few bowls, which made for several stingy servings. But hey, at least I didn't feel the guilt this time around! The popcorn was buttery and the carmel flavor was intense! The kernels were crisp and crunchy, not stale and soggy like others I've tried. This little bag of heavenly goodness is on my wish list! Everyone loved it!
I also received a box of chocolates, a variety of fudge, creams, and truffles. I couldn't pick a favorite.They were all so good! If I had to narrow it down, I'd say you couldn't go wrong with their Peanut Butter Creams and Chocolate Creams. I've tried similar types of candy before, and I even have my own homemade version of a peanut butter cream. They don't compare!
I tried several new candies and I loved them all. But let me tell you, I saved the best for last!!! I have a new all time favorite! VELVET MINTS! If you like chocolate and mint, this is for you! Whipped chocolate kissed with  all natural peppermint. The creamy whipped chocolate is perfection and they put the perfect amount of peppermint. It's not overpowering and it isn't lacking. Just the right amount. Buy .50 lbs or a whole bucketful!!! Yeah, it's that popular! I know I could eat them by the bucket load! Each are wrapped in brightly colored foil and that just makes them even more special. Visit Weiser Classic Candy and check out their selection. They have something for everyone!!!
Disclosure: I was sent samples in order to complete this review. No montary compesation received and honest opinions were given.

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