
Monday, June 21, 2010

More Than Beautiful Bows!

I love Etsy. I find a lot of inspiration when I browse their artistic community. Recently, I stumbled into a great shop filled with lots of bling, colorful ribbons, and gorgeous tulle! It wasn't the sparkles that caught my eye, it was the designs! Brynn's Beautiful Bows. Saying they're beautiful, now that's an understatement!  Jenn is a master with ribbon and tulle, transforming the simplest strips of various materials into creative works of art. She has a great imagination and it shines in her work! 
While I loved her beautiful bows, I equally admired her other hair accessories. She has great hair clips and headbands! This is where her talent really shines through! I mean, check out her clips! The colors are vibrant and the designs are well executed. I can tell that Jenn really puts a lot of time and effort into her work. The details are amazing! Little girls today are fortunate that they can grow up with Brynn's Beautiful Bows! I wasn't that lucky!
Want more? I know I do! She has the most adorable tutus! Jenn sent a tutu and matching headband for my review. The headband featured a great flower with a rhinestone center. It sparkled and shined and basically, filled any little girl's wish list. It exceeded my expectations too! The tutu was well made and it didn't slip and slide and twist when it wasn't supposed to. The colors were a gorgeous mix and they reminded me of a fruity dessert! Check out her site and find that perfect tutu for your little one. They'll help make those first portraits even more special! I was really surprised to find tutus for Zhu Zhu Pets and dogs! Zhu Zhu Pets are all the rage and who wouldn't want to dress them up in a tutu of their own!
Visit Brynn's Beautiful Bows on Etsy. All of your purchases will arrive quickly, already wrapped and ready to give. Follow her blog and find her on facebook! Here's some advice. Look her up. She's worth it! I can't wait to see what she comes out with next. Hey Jenn...Don't make us wait too long!
To Disclose: I was sent a tutu and matching headband in order to complete this review. No monetary compensation received and my honest opinions are given.

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