Saturday, May 1, 2010

Win A Month's Supply Of Fruit2O!!!

I like water. Every now and then, I may grab a bottle of flavored water or squeeze a lemon or an orange into my glass of water. My kids LOVE water, and for that, I am truly thankful! I was chosen to participate in a MomSelect campaign and I was sent a few bottles of Fruit2O Essentials in assorted flavors to try out. Because it's not really my thing, I depended heavily on Logan for this review. I tried each flavor and they were really fruity! I liked that a lot! But what I personally did not like was the sweetness. Even though I'm from the south (we are famous for our sugary tea that resembles syrup!) I prefer barely sweetened tea, and most of the time, I like plain unsweetened herbal teas. Fruit2O isn't overly sweet, it was just too sweet for me. My kids, well, they couldn't get enough! My kids both reached for these first. They were on a shelf with juice and sodas and this was their first choice, as long as they lasted. Usually, Sam wants milk and Logan wants ice water or juice, and maybe once a week he will grab a Sprite. It's great knowing that each bottle of Fruit2O Essentials provides the nutrients found in two servings of fruit, including important vitamins and minerals and one gram of fiber! Each flavor combines a popular fruit with a super fruit delivering uniquely beneficial nutrients. Unlike many other fortified waters, Fruit2O Essentials has a subtle fruit flavor, no sugar or calories, and only one gram of carbohydrates. I am really happy that my kids love it so much. It makes it easier for them to make healthier choices!
I'm giving one reader a month supply of Fruit2O Essentials! US readers only. Giveaway ends May 7, 2010 at midnight, EST! To enter, answer this question- What small changes are you making to live a healthier life? Please leave your answer in a comment!
Extra entries:
Follow me (google friend connect/networked blogs/facebook/twitter) for one entry each! See links on sidebar!
Blog about this giveaway for 5 extra entries!
Add this giveaway link to your favorite giveaway site/linky (only if I'm not already listed) for another 5 entries! Leave name of site in comment!
Spread the word!

To Disclose: I was given complimentary samples for myself and offered this giveaway as part of a campaign for MomSelect. No monetary compensation received and honest opinions were given!


susan said...

We try to take family walks before dinner.

susan said...

I follow via networked blogs.

Anonymous said...

I walk 5 miles a day

Anonymous said...

I follow through GFC (Nadine Larsen)

Anonymous said...

I follow on Twitter (@eyzofblu63)

Anonymous said...

I follow on Networked Blogs (Nadine/eyzofblu63)

Anonymous said...

I am a fan on facebook (eyzofblu63)

mverno said...

we walk four times a week

debbie said...

I have gotten rid of the salt shaker. We didn't need the extra salt.

debbie said...

I am a follower.

Theresa C said...

I am trying to do at least 20 minutes of cardio daily, I so happen to consume an entire 20 oz bottle of water while doing that 20 minutes so I am also consuming more water than I normally would. Thanks for the opportunity.

Robert Lamb said...

I'm drinking more water and less soda pop

Anonymous said...

I'm cutting down on my sugar intake and taking a daily walk.

Anonymous said...

I follow via Google Friend Connect.

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter as suebaby05.

slb3334 said...

I walk as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

cooking more from scratch, less processed and preserved foods

Anonymous said...

My family is growing their own fruits and veggies this summer!

Kristen said...

I cut soda out of my diet. I used to drink so much of it i'd get headaches! I drink tea now.

Kristen said...

I follow on Networked Blogs (Kristen H)

Kristen said...

I follow you on FB (Kristen H)

Kristen said...

I follow you on Twitter (@aeris321)

jappleseed said...

i bought a bike to ride to the store instead of driving

cloud10277 said...

We've been shopping at the local farmers market more.

cloud10277 said...

Following on twitter

cloud10277 said...

Fan on facebook
Tracy P

samarcy said...

we are eating more fruits and veggies, less red meat and hardly any junk food!!!!

Stephanie R. said...

im drinking less soda

Leslie said...

I'm drinking more water, walking miles on the beach every day, and making it a point to eat breakfast and lunch instead of just working straight through the day. said...

I try to walk 5+miles per week.

sksweeps said...

I'm planting a bigger veggie garden this summer so we can eat more local, fresh, organic, healthy..

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

Ms. Deeds said...

I'm taking the stairs instead of the elevator

Stephanie said...

trying to walk outside everyday
tvollowitz at aol dot com

degood said...

I have started buying fresh vegetables instead of canned or frozen because they are better for me and they use a lot less energy to get them from the field to the store so I feel like I am being more green.

degood said...

I follow you on gfc as degood

degood said...

I follow you on twitter as kmayans

Joseph said...

I stopped drinking Coke/Pespi as of Jan 1st and drinking more water. I have already lost 25 lbs and feel so much healthier.

April said...

I'm drinking more water and juice than soda.

Kristen said...

I've been drinking more water, less soda and walking places more.

couponboss at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

we eat as many fruits & veggies as we can

autumn398 @

Crystal F said...

I'm getting my blood count levels up so that I can feel better. I don't have the energy to do much. I want to get my levels up so that I can start working out again. thanks for the giveaway!

Barbara Montag said...

I've started eating a light breakfast.
Then I'm not so starved by lunch!

barbara.montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

Following you Google Friend Connect

Barbara Montag said...

Sent a Facebook Friend request
Barbara Montag

Barbara Montag said...

Blogged #1

Barbara Montag said...

Blogged #2

Barbara Montag said...

Blogged #3

Barbara Montag said...

Blogged #4

Barbara Montag said...

Blogged #5

Chrystal said...

I am eating healthier and exercising more often.

Missybeez said...

I ride my bike and eat healthier.

Missybeez said...

follow GFC

GabbyLowe said...

I am going Yoga

GabbyLowe said...

follow on google

GabbyLowe said...


GabbyLowe said...

follow network blog-laura deluca

GabbyLowe said...

friend on FB-laura deluca

magic5905 said...

More veggies and less fried food.

Benita said...

We;re eating more veggies, and drinking more water.


Benita said...

Follower by GFC.


scarlette10 said...

My husband and I are both cutting down on our sodium intake and increasing our intake of fiber and whole grains!

scarlette10 said...

I know follow your blog

Kim Phan said...

i eat more fruits now to be healtier.

Erica C. said...

I've been walking my dog more often, and for longer distances. It's been great for both of us!

Tonya Dean said...

We just switched to reusable bags for everything.


Kerry said...

I have recently made big changes in my family! I have a 4 yr old, and a 10 year old that struggle with their weight. I have cut out ALL junk foods, and no longer cook, any processed, pre packaged foods. We are cooking, and eating healthy! My 10 year old HATES regular water, so this would be a huge help, in getting her to drink more water.

Kerry said...

I follow your blog via google friends :-) as ryan82299

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love love LOVE to win this.... =]

Anonymous said...

We pick a hiking trail and on Sunday we go out and achieve that trail, great cardiovascular workout and great memorys with family.

waitressdani (at) hotmail (dot) com

Charlene S. said...

I'm eating more fresh fruit & vegetables & drinking more water.

saturdaynightfever said...

We bicycle almost everywhere in the nice weather!

annemarie562000 said...

I drink more water instead of soda!


hanzabean said...

I'm going to cycle to work instead of driving (I'm a student who can't figure out how to interview so I only work during the summer).

Also, I'm going to try the hipster diet of eating only organic foods or vegetarianism, whichever one doesn't kill me I guess.

AEKZ2 said...

I stopped drinking sodas.

AEKZ2 said...

I follow via GFC

Hotsnotty2 said...

I'm trying to drink more water and less soda, thanks!

Sonya said...

We're trying to eat fruits or veggies with every meal (and eat them first!)

Unknown said...

i substituted my nightly candy bar for a sweet potato.


Unknown said...

google follower: ferriz


Amanda G said...

I'm walking! Getting out everyday and walking for as long as I can.

This giveaway is perfect for us, we recently started drinking Fruit2O water as I rarely ever drink soda and my husband drinks too, too much soda and rarely a sip of water. We love Fruit2O! I never like lemon and I even love thre lemon, it's like a very light lemonade. Perfect, we'd be so grateful.

saddleoneup at att dot net

Amanda G said...

I follow thorugh Google

saddleoneup at att dot net

Amanda G said...

I sent a FB friend request

saddleoneup at att dot net

Amanda G said...

Followe through twitter PegasusFeathers

saddleoneup at att dot net

Amanda G said...

Follow through networked blogs

saddleoneup at att dot net

Valancia said...

Trying to watch the saturated fat intake.

Valancia said...

Im also following by networked blogs, id- Valancia Arrelya

Smooshy said...

eating organic!

Anonymous said...

the small change I am making is that I will reach for a glass of ice water instead of soda.

constancelavery at msn dot com

Susan said...

we cut out soda completely.

Helen G said...

I'm walking more and drinking more water.

Helen G said...

following you on google friend connect

Helen G

Lisa Garner said...

One small change I've made is cut soda out of my diet.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said...

I'm also following you on Networked blogs user Lisa G.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

susan1215 said...

I'm walking more and eating more furits and vegetables

susan1215 said...

follow via GFC

Pamela S said...

I've been trying to increase my dietary fiber and eliminated soft drinks. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net

susansmoaks said...

i am walking and drinking more water

liliesrnice said...

I go walking every day with my little girl.

cman said...

I'm drinking more water.

lilyk said...

I'm trying to stay well-hydrated.