
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Spotlight Baby!!

I know. It looks a little like this baby is preparing for a big fight. But this picture really shows a peaceful, sleeping baby! When I first saw this product, I wasn't too sure about it. The more I thought about the concept, the more it made sense. Squeez Ease is made of ultra soft organically grown bamboo and organic cotton. You use them when your baby is fussy or sleeping. They promote sensory development and they keep your little one from scratching the face. They decrease sudden jerking of the hands and provide baby with comfort when your baby squeezes them. They also increase awareness of their hands and allow their fingers to be free for exploration and sucking. While I haven't tried them, it makes sense that these would be comforting to a baby. They are made for babies up to 6 months. I would have loved to have tried them on Sam when he was younger. He was always fussy and many times I searched for different ways to calm him!While I didn't get to try Squeez Ease, I did get my hands on a lion Bamboo Buddy! It is also made of organically grown bamboo and organic cotton. When Sam was born, I decided to avoid plastic teethers and other plastic products. This is one product that I would have happily given him! The lion's hands and feet are designed to promote sensory development. The soft mane fluffs in the wash. This is one toy that won't be left behind. I could see my little one carrying it around everywhere! When I first received it, I tried it out with Sam during one of his meltdowns. As soon as I gave it to him, he threw it. When I began to walk away, he quickly retrieved it and snuggled with it. It's a beautiful thing when an angry child can find comfort in something so wonderful! Check out Spotlightbaby and learn more about these great products! A lot of thought was put into the creation of these products. Judy Kang, a highly regarded occupational therapist specializing in infant and toddler development, founded Spotlightbaby. With her business partner Sally Park, she empowers parents with the developmental tools and eco-friendly products necessary to help their babies' reach their full development potential! Spotlightbaby also supports organizations that help disadvantaged moms worldwide so that they can have a better quality of life! Click here for a list of retailers!
To Disclose: I was sent a lion Bamboo Buddy in order to complete this review. No monetary compensation received.

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