
Friday, April 2, 2010

Talking Eggs

We always look forward to Easter Egg Hunts. We don't go all out, but hiding a few is always a wonderful way to finish the day. I usually buy a dozen fillable eggs and hide them where Logan and Sam can find them. This year, I will be hiding a different egg! In fact, I couldn't help myself. We started our hunt early this year! We were sent Hide ‘Em and Find ‘Em Eggs and Logan and Sam have taken turns hunting these delightful eggs!
When I received the package, I opened it up and immediately I was charmed! These eggs are so cute!!! Forget dull, plastic eggs. These eggs are fun and will capture the attention of most children. When Sam was looking for the egg, it would "call" to him just as he was giving up. Eventually, he found the egg and he was so proud! For all you last minute shoppers, these eggs are available at Rite Aid, Target, and Wal-Mart. I had a blast watching my children find these adorable eggs. Hide 'Em and Find 'Em Eggs come in six colors. Press the button when you hide them. They will call out "I'm hiding" or "Over here" and they also laugh! When your children find an egg, they can open it to find a chick or bunny exclaim, "You found me!" The eggs shut off automatically after thirty minutes. The eggs are large enough to hold small treats. We enjoyed  them and I don't think we will ever want to hunt ordinary eggs again!
To Disclose: I was sent two Hide 'Em and Find 'Em Eggs for review. No monetary compensation received.

1 comment:

  1. I had these "Talking Eggs" last year for Easter. My daughter loves them and we play with them all year long. We just played with them about 3 weeks ago. ("WHAT FUN"!) HAVE A HAPPY LOVELY DAY!!!

