
Monday, March 1, 2010

Sleep Therapy

I'm a light sleeper. Water dripping, dogs barking, even the frogs and crickets can keep me awake at night. I live in the middle of nowhere and all those outdoor critters like to compete to make the loudest noise. Their very own twisted version of Idol. Lucky me. Usually I try to block the noises with my mind. Unfortunately my mind isn't that good and I usually end up falling asleep on those very active nights because of exhaustion. Now, since receiving a Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System, I can pick a soothing sound and fall asleep peacefully. This unit is small and packed with BIG features! It uses sound cards that can be changed depending on your mood. Each card holds twelve different sounds. This unit even lulls me to sleep by slowing down the sounds until the sounds simply fade away. There is no abrupt end! The sounds are very realistic and very relaxing. The Sleep Oasis offers more than typical sound machines that I have used and I am pleased with the variety of sound options! This unit features a backlit alarm and I can wake with a buzzer or gentle sounds. I can this machine with headphones or a speaker pillow. I can also set the timer for continuous, 30, 60, or 90 minutes. I only wish I could mix some of the sounds. Other than that, this is the perfect goodnight! Sleek and stylish, this compact unit retails for under $80. That's cheaper (and more natural!) than sleep inducing medication. Visit their site for more information and be sure to check out their other great products! They have something for everyone. Baby too!
To Disclose: I was sent a Sound Oasis Sleep Therapy System in order to complete this review. No monetary compensation received.

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