Thursday, November 12, 2009

Let's Talk Turkey

Earlier this year, Butterball offered a generous giveaway! This month, they have done it again! You can win one of two $15 vouchers/coupons for a Butterball Turkey! To enter, tell me your favorite holiday tradition. It can be a meal or activity! Follow me for a second entry and become a Butterball Fan on Facebook for a third entry! US residents only. Giveaway ends midnight November 18, 2009! Butterball has been a tradition in our family for many years. We celebrate all holidays with Butterball because they have never let us down. The quality has always been great and they are affordable! This Thanksgiving roast, smoke, grill, or fry a Butterball Turkey for your family table!


Unknown said...
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Fionen said...

My favorite holiday tradition is decorating sugar cookies with my mom. :D
fionen_ftw AT fionen DOT com

Fionen said...

I follow your blog.
username: Fionen
fionen_ftw AT fionen DOT com

Fionen said...

I'm a fan of Butterball on Facebook.
ID: Fio Nen
fionen_ftw AT fionen DOT com

sweepmom said...

I like baking cookies and making homemade bread for Thanksgiving dinner.

agordon10 said...

we all play football

April said...

My fave holiday tradition is baking pumpkin pies.

taxchyk said...

I always make Christmas cookies with whatever children are available, but we have other traditions too. One is that every year we read "The Night Before Christmas" and every year the littles fill in more words of the story than the year before.

taxchyk said...

A follower!

buzzd said...

We make Christmas cookies with the kids and play holiday music. It is fun and we get a chance to talk about things together. It is also great that we can give the cookies as gifts to neighbors and others to spread the holiday cheer.

Suburban prep said...

The Thanksgiving tradition that was a must growing up was my grandmother making the stuffing. My mother and my aunts could not do it to the flavor that the kids liked it. It always had to be my grandmother.
Now that she has passed. I have gotten close but still not quite right but I keep trying.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Linda said...

Our favorite holiday tradition is getting together and making holiday cookies!
lgrieser(at)sbcglobal(dot)net said...

My fave is baking pies this time of years-
blog follower-

Anonymous said...

My husband, children and I get in the kitchen together and cook and bake. We always have so much fun.


Aileen said...

My mom is a fantastic cook and it is a tradition in our home to make Chinese and Italian food along with our Thanksgiving Turkey. All my cousins, aunts, and uncles couldn't wait to come to my mom's house. Can you imagine the gluttony. Turkey, lasagna, traditional Chinese food, sushi, etc.


Deborah Wellenstein said...

We have cookie baking marathon sessions-we love it! Thanks!

clynsg said...

Gathering on Christmas Eve for a special meal and present opening--it started with my parents and grandparents, and now we are keeping it going with my children and grandchildren.

clynsg at

Louis H said...

thank you for the great contest
enter me please
we love family gatherings for the holidays
schnitzomage (at) gmail (dot) com

sweetsue said...

We watch Christmas movies all day on Thanksgiving!
smchester at gmail dot com

mverno said...

cooking together

Unknown said...

Pecan stuffing.

llinda29 said...

My fave tradition is being with family

tinatre said...

My favorite traditions are making pumpkin bread, chocolate fudge, and playing board games with my nieces and nephews.

Mamushi Love said...

I love eating Thanksgiving dinner fairly early to sleep and prepare for the late night amusement of Black Friday.

Unknown said...

My favorite holiday tradition is baking cookies with my kids.

Unknown said...

I a fan of butterball - Ty W.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower!

allancarol said...

thanksgiving night my uncle and my cousins and i sit around drink whiskey ,some cigars and play poker ..
Its all in good fun and we all look forward to this tradition every year.

Colo12 said...

cooking a turkey and watching football!! Thanksgiving is so much fun with family.. Thank you

Ms. Anita said...

My favorite holiday tradition for Thanksgiving is always having jellied cranberry sauce. I know that may seem "trivial" to some, but I *love* cranberry sauce --LOL!
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com

Ms. Anita said...

I follow your blog.
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
thank you! and...
Happy Thanksgiving!

theconners4 said...

My favorite holiday tradition is cooking thanksgiving dinner with my grandma and helping my kids make a Thankful book! Thanks for the awesome giveaway again!

GALENA said...


Unknown said...

i really enjoying spending time with my family on thanksgiving.we decorate thanksgiving cookies


txgiggles45 said...

My favorite holiday tradition is on Christmas Eve. Most of us are German, so we have a German dinner of onion broth soup, fancy long weiners, Grey Poupon mustard, and German potato salad!
Have a great day!

patty716 said...

I love black olives gotta have thjem at thanksgiving. even better stuffed with cheese. im a fan of butterball on facebook also.

Joanmurraycefalu said...

Our favorite tradition is coloring "what I'm thankful for" placemats with the kids to be used at the table on the holiday :)

CAROLINA said...

We go for leisurely cars rides to enjoy people's holiday decorations.

kdkdkd said...

My favorite tradition is reading books about Thanksgiving with my boys, my 4 year old is FULL of questions this year LOL. Also love baking things with the kids and taking it to the neighbors to share.

j said...

Wealways go for a leisurly walk after Thanksgiving dinner (then we are ready for pumkin pie)



mickeyfan said...

I just enjoy the getting together with family and visiting. Great time to keep up with what is going on in their lives...especially the younger members.

momznite said...

Watching the Macy's parade on Thanksgiving morning is a family tradition.

Carolyn G said...

I make a special bourbon pecan pie that my grandmother taught me to bake.

Carolyn G said...

butterball facebook fan

GabbyLowe said...

My family has a set of scrap books that date back to my great grandmother and every year we add new photos to them

GabbyLowe said...

follow blog

GabbyLowe said...

fan on butterball on FB-Laura DeLuca

Lisa said...

My favorite holiiday tradition is baking for people

Lisa said...

I follow your blog!

Lisa said...

I fanned butterball on facebook

LittleEagle said...

My favorite holiday tradition is eating a large turkey sandwich late in the evening. sharonaquilino at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

My family is always playing board games after the food!

Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

Unknown said...

Last year I fell asleep after eating. All that cooking and eating wore me out. I like eating leftovers the next day.l The intense cooking stresses me out

Elkaye said...

My favorite part of the holiday is eating with family.


Elkaye said...

I'm a follower.


Lower Mitten Kitten said...

My favorite holiday tradition is to begin to decorate for Christmas the weekend following Thanksgiving.

mscoffee77 said...

My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is my husband's pumpkin soup. I'm already tasting it:)


Jen V said...

One of my favorite holiday traditions is baking cookies with the kids. This year we are going to attempt a gingerbread house from scratch! Wish us luck LOL.
ssovrnej (at)

Jen V said...

facebook fan of butterball (Jen Voss)
ssovrnej (at)

Brandy said...

We always have stove top stuffing!

JA said...

My favorite holiday tradition is lighting candles on Thanksgiving with my parents :)
happeejackee at gmail dot com

JA said...

Following your blog
happeejackee at gmail dot com

JA said...

Facebook fan of Butterball (Jack S.)
happeejackee at gmail dot com

jlafount said...

Christmas pizza

JRG said...

Thanksgiving turkey together as a family.

denyse said...

Breaking the wishbone.

Erica C. said...

Making cookies is really the thing that I associate most with the holidays. It's a fun activity for the whole family to do together. Boy does that turkey look good!

AngelaK said...

Every year, my sister and I help our Mom in the kitchen. After we've eaten and have taken the "Thanksgiving nap", we play board games. Then after the games, we put up the Christmas tree!


Erin M said...

my favorite is standing with my husband by the light of the open fridge eating leftover pumpkin pie in the middle of the night

fidgetblogs at gmail dot com

Myspiral said...

After Thanksgiving dinner, we all sit around and play board games! So much fun with people you don't see often!

Sonya said...

We like to let the kids make Thanksgiving placemats with drawings of what they're thankful for.

Angela G said...

My favorite tradition is looking through the ads to map out my Black Friday shopping!

Angela G said...

I'm a butterball fan on facebook. angela.gaffke

chad sexington said...

I love getting together with my sisters and my mom after Thxgiving dinner to go thru all the black friday ads and plan our attack for the next day.

Unknown said...

After a wonderful, traditional turkey and dressing dinner, we love to sit around at my in-law's house and look through all the Black Friday sale ads. We then plan out our big shopping trip for the next morning. Thanks said...

We watch the Thanksgiving Day parade together-
Diane Baum

Michele said...

Thank you for the giveaway. My favorite holiday traditions are spending the days with family and my children helping me in the kitchen.

Smooshy said...

my favorite tradition is making the green bean casserole!

Mir said...

We're just starting our own traditions (combining the ones from my husband's and my families and creating our own) but for Thanksgiving I always make my garlic potato gratin. And a pumpkin pie - love pumpkin pies.

Amanda C. said...

I enjoy eating dinner together. Its the only time I can get the whole family to sit around the table together.


pattycake said...

Our favorite tradition is just getting together for a traditional turkey dinner with extended family members.

pattycake said...

butterball fan on facebook

pattycake said...

follow you on goggle blogger

cstironkat said...

I like the homemade mac and cheese. I also like all the holiday crafts.

Kristin said...

My favorite holiday tradition is spending the day with family, watching football and the parade, while munching on all kinds of goodies.

Kristin said...

I follow you on Google Friend Connect.

dispatcher_kristy said...

My favorite tradition is watching the parades while I am cooking dinner

Veronica said...

Our favorite holiday tradition is always making gingerbread men and decorating them with my kids, a lot of fun! Thanks for a great giveaway :)

terri142 said...

My favorite holiday tradition is my sister-in-laws sausage bread.

terri142 said...

Butterball facebook fan.

arla said...

family tradition- making all kind of homemade goodies, pies, cut out cookies.

Meet the Browns said...

We enjoy singing together at the holidays!


Janette said...

I love baking for Thanksgiving, we always make a pumpkin pie and a pecan pie!

Pamela S said...

I let each of my kids pick two dishes they want for Thanksgiving and then they help cook/prepare them and serve them. They take pride in their "dishes". Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net

dreamcleavers said...
our tradition is simple, eat a lot early, watch football all day and eat more later

dreamcleavers said...

i follow you

dreamcleavers said...
fan of butter ball on facebook
lance pearson

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

My favorite holiday tradition is doing lots of baking of sweet goodies! I try something different every year.

stormraven at gmail dot com

belleannam said...

We decorate cookies and then FEAST!

Cynthya said...

My favorite holiday tradition is decorating the Christmas tree with a collection of ornaments from 40 years.

chazvgo said...

My favorite is the Green Bean Casserole :)

intime said...

eating chocolate cake on thanksgiving

Amy delong said...

Christmas day we watch Christmas Story all day!


Anonymous said...

Our favorite part is the food and being together, but it wouldn't be Turkey day without sitting down to watch football.

Anonymous said...

I follow via Google Friends (Nadine Larsen)

Anonymous said...

I am a Butterball fan on FB )Nadine E Larsen)

Jill said...

We started a new tradition a couple of years ago and that' inviting people over that have nowhere else to go. My husband works with a lot of transplants whose family are far away. We are alos transplants so instead of it just being us, we have a house full of people. Quite the celebration.


Unknown said...

I like to make a Thanksgiving feast for the whole family. That's my tradition whether it just be for two people or for ten, I usually cook for an army.

ladyvon5845 said...

We always have to have 2 pies, one apple and the other pumpkin.

FIBERONE said...

Thanksgiving is a time of remembering and being thankful for the years my husband and I had together. He died on Thanksgiving Day several years ago.

Happi Shopr said...

I love baking mini-breads for the family for Christmas. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Stephanie Grant said...

My fave holiday tradition is getting the whole family together for a day of fun and games as well as a huge delish dinner.

Stephanie Grant said...

Butterball Fan on Facebook (Stephanie Petty-Grant)

souldolphindream said...

my favorite for thanksgiving for the last 6 years is making a cake for my daughter who was born 6 years ago thanksgiving night

Charlene Canfield said...

My favorite time at Thanksgiving is for all the family to be together and to be able to eat lots of things we don't normally cook.

Charlene Canfield said...

I am following you now!

skytoucher said...

My favorite time at Thanksgiving is gathering with family and praying and laughing together. There is much to be grateful for despite the hard trials of life, and getting together and expressing the things in your heart really puts things in perspective.

grannyvon said...

We gather all our family on Christmas morning to read the Christmas Story from the Bible. We open presents on Christmas Eve so as to not to distract from the true meaning of Christmas on that day. Thanks

grannyvon said...

I follow on your Google Friend. Thanks

Mishia said...

I love making cakes and pies for the holidays!

Anonymous said...

Would be nice to win !

chlorinebrain said...

My favorite holiday tradition is baking cookies with my girls. We have so much fun together & I get to know what's going on in their lives in much greater detail than normally.

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

We always have to make a lot of pumpkin pies and apple pies for Thanksgiving, and lots of cookies for Christmas.

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

follow your blog

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

facebook fan Butterball- gloria mckellar

chromiumman said...

eating a huge meal and watching football with the family

Helen S said...

The day after Thanksgiving we make Gingerbread houses. We also make cookies and candy that weekend.

Unknown said...

We have a Thankerchief that my son made at school. We pass it around the table and say what we are thankful for - perfect for little kids

giggling kids said...

We make all kinds of Fudge and other great snacks.

Unknown said...

to see the children open their gifts!

liliesrnice said...

I like going to my friend's house every year since I don't have any family.Well i do now that i've had my little one so now we'll both go.

Anonymous said...

My favorite holiday tradition is baking brownies with my family the night before Christmas.

mail4rosey said...

My favorite holiday tradition is preparing the meal with my mother-in-law.

phyllisg said...

I like the stuffings and love leftover stuffing for breakfast days afterward.

Nancy S. said...

My favorite tradition is eating leftover turkey on sandwiches with little Pepperidge Farms rolls. We always try talking my sister into making them for everyone because we tell her she makes them better than anyone else.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My favorite tradition at thanksgiven time is preparing the classic chocolate pie with my children. They love it and I do too...mmm :)

Re said...

getting together on xmas eve and making donuts from scratch..its so much fun and the kids just love it

Re said...

fanned butterball Reeva morgan

Re said...

i follow

cman said...

Making cookies with my kids :)

Anonymous said...

We always stuff ourselves, play a board game or chat it up, and then watch a movie. All in all a good family fun time.