
Monday, October 19, 2009

My Compliments To The Chef!

Have you ever tried that questionable substance that companies try to pass off as baby food? I have, and I don't like it. Cute little jars line grocery store shelves with attractive labels covering unrecognizable mush. This mush is made with the sole intent and purpose to nourish your baby. Yuck. My baby could eat this curious concoction with ignorant bliss, but I won't let him. For a while now, I have been making my own organic baby food. It started off great but pretty soon I was running out of ideas and I didn't have enough time to make enough meals for the week. A couple of months ago, I visited Yummy In My Tummy online and browsed their selections. I could not believe my eyes! Chili for baby? Beef Stew? All organic??? How wonderful! I imagined that it would be good for my baby, but after I received my shipment, I was not prepared for the intense flavors packed into each little cup. I am going to write about each one that I received so be sure to check back often!
Beef Stew. One word. Yummmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
As the temperature dips and the leaves begin to change, I love to curl up with a great big bowl of well seasoned Beef Stew. If I enjoy it so much, wouldn't my baby? I don't like to feed my baby table food because it usually has more sodium and I don't always use organic ingredients. I believe in giving babies organic foods because I think it gives them the healthiest start. Yummy In My Tummy's Beef Stew is filled with wholesome goodness. After my first taste, I could not believe that it wasn't available in grocery stores worldwide. It should be. I could eat a bowl of this and want more! First they take the freshest, leanest organic ground beef that they can find and slow cook it over a low flame. They add carrots, celery, tomatoes, thyme, garlic, kosher salt, and pepper. The ingredients are slowly simmered to ensure a rich and hearty flavor. Bite after bite, little and big tummies were pleased! The beef and vegetables melt in your mouth. The carrots retained their beautiful orange color and the potatoes were not cooked until they fell apart. If you want your baby to have mashed potatoes, you will give your baby mashed potatoes. This stew was cooked to perfection and it tastes like it was made using an old family recipe that was passed down for generations. It's that good! In fact, it's the best that I've ever had! If you want some yummy in your (or your little one's) tummy, check them out! Affordable gourmet baby food that looks like mom and dad's food. Don't be surprised if it tastes better too! Enter coupon code 2gb15 at checkout to save an extra 15%!!!
The following is used in this feature courtesy of Yummy In My Tummy:
"You can always count on Yummy meals to be:
Comprised of the freshest, most nutritious and tasty USDA certified organic produce
Always fresh, never frozen
Made for baby Stages 1-3 with seasonal specials throughout the year
Specials are available in each of the three stages and change each week, with a focus on seasonality and local produce availability;
Convenient and shipped to your door through our delivery service

Our Process
In our spotless, immaculate production facility we prepare, manufacture and package every container of organic baby food personally to ensure it’s consistent with the Yummy In My Tummy Safety-Ensured System and compliant with our HACCP Program (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point).

The Yummy In My Tummy Safety-Ensured System is achieved by first using the most pristine organic produce available, Yummy In My Tummy roasts, bakes and simmers all products to prevent any loss of naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals in the cooking process.
The food is then packaged in BPA-free, phthalate-free, BHT-free, and BHA-free barrier containers and made available for in-store pick-up or convenient delivery service. To ensure safety and freshness, our products are also sent to a food lab for microbiological testing and shelf life analysis, so your Little Tummy always gets the best organic baby food possible!"
To learn more, visit Yummy In My Tummy!

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