
Friday, October 16, 2009

Awaken The Baker In You!

I want to be a superstar, at least in the eyes of my children. I always pictured myself in an apron (yes, I do wear one!) timing to perfection the arrival of my kids and delicious cookies still warm from the oven. The sweet and irresistible scent of cookies drifting beyond my doors and open windows, calling my children home. My intentions are good, but sometimes life gets in the way. I am lucky to have dinner ready most nights! When the inspiration to bake something spectacular hits, I often fall a few ingredients short. Lucky for me, I found The Lazy Baker! When I contacted them, I asked to try either the Double Chocolate Chip Mix or their Chocolate Chip Mix. Good ol' chocolate chip has always been my favorite, and very rarely do I like double chocolate chip. Let me explain. Double chocolate chip cookies are usually dry, to sweet, or not sweet enough. It's fairly easy to make a good chocolate chip cookie. I hoped The Lazy Baker was up to the challenge. The mix arrived in a tube with almost everything tucked neatly inside. I found a rich mix topped with another bag containing semisweet chocolate chips. I mixed all of the ingredients together and added a few of my own. Butter, an egg, and vanilla. Pretty simple! Stirring this decadent mix, I had to taste. Mmmmm. So far, so good. This looked promising indeed! Next, I rolled the dough forming small balls and I placed them on a cookie sheet. Sliding the pan into the oven, I paced the floor, anxiously awaiting that first batch! It seemed like forever, and I stopped my oven timer with glee a few seconds early. The smells from the oven were driving me mad! Patience. Okay, not really. I slid a cookie from the pan and prayed I would not cause serious damage to my mouth. I could not wait! Biting down on that cookie, followed by quick intakes of air to cool my palate, I experienced the most incredible flavor. Melting chocolate chips, soft warm (very warm) cookie. No, surprisingly my tastebuds were not burned, so my taste was not impaired. I could not believe my mouth. Finally a Double Chocolate Chip Cookie mix that got it right! Just the right amount of this and that, and the texture of the cookie was superb. I am loving The Lazy Baker! My next batch came from the oven just as my little Cub Scout walked through the door! I was greeted with a hug and a cheerful smile. After the first bite, my little cookie monster agreed. The cookie was just right. My only complaint? They did not last long enough! Now, I must get my hands on some of that Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix. I can only imagine how great that will be!

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