
Thursday, September 10, 2009

The World Of Blogging

I don't know exactly how I ended up here. I never set out to become a real blogger. I had no idea that it would turn into something so big. And yes, this is big to me. It is more than I ever imagined. There are great perks and products, some travel, personal tours, a few dollars in my pocket, and today I received an invitation for six to an opening. Mentions in newspapers (from far, far away), websites, and magazines make my heart skip a beat. I'll never forget the first time I saw my banner between two well known magazines on a press page. I know it's common, but I could not believe it when it happened to me. I am exactly where I want to be. I'm average. Just another blogger in search of the truth behind the product claims. I still want to think most bloggers value readers and friends more than all the perks. I know I do. Blogging has given me the opportunity to give to others through donations and giveaways. It's like spreading Christmas, my favorite holiday! I enjoy reading all the entries and I love contacting winners. Each night I look over my traffic logs. Some of you are marked, but only in a good way! I watch for your name because I know you will visit. It warms my heart when you do.
I am a nurse because that's what I did for years, before any formal training. I decided to go to school and make it official after Logan was born. It was easy and I took my NCLEX in 15 minutes and passed with flying colors. I remember calling my mom after my test to tell her I was finished. She was in utter disbelief and nearly panicked. I have always been a fast reader, and I never second guessed my tests. I simply knew the answer or didn't. I didn't waste time trying the process of elimination. It's not my style.
After having Sam, I became a full time stay-at-home mom. I knew I wanted to homeschool Logan, so I focused on that. I have a laid back lifestyle and I don't worry too much. I hope to pass that trait onto my children. I think it's a good one. It's pretty rare that I get worked up. Lately, the only thing working me up is my house. I think I am faring better than most people would. You can read my sad story in another post.
Back to blogging! Around the time I began my blog, I noticed a blog BOOM! I think I slid in right in the nick of time. My early posts were simple and lacked much personality. I'd like to think I've gotten better with time. I hope to improve even more. Blogging keeps me busy but I find it's not all fun and games. I enjoy it, but it can be overwhelming at times. I spend most of the day with my kids and when Sam naps and Logan is completing a school lesson, I slip away to my computer. Most of my posts are done after hours, when all is quiet. I am an insomniac, unfortunate for me, lucky for my blog. I use my quiet time to write. I cannot believe how far I've come. I want to pinch myself at times. I love it and it has made me a happier person. It's not just about the many packages we receive. I have developed connections that I hope will last a lifetime. Not just with my delivery guys, but with readers and bloggers, and my many PR contacts/friends! The community of bloggers is wonderful. I am proud to be a part of it. Blogging has opened many doors for me. I look forward to what comes next!

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