
Friday, September 4, 2009

Pump Up Your Child's Education With Xump!

I homeschool because I want to inspire. I want my children to learn history by visiting battlefields and museums. I want to teach science and fill our afternoons with fun experiments and projects. Sure they would learn from classrooms, like I did, but will it be as much fun? I doubt it. There is growing concern over budget cuts in schools and I think it will have an impact on children. Supplies are being cut so children will not have as much opportunity to experiment beyond their workbooks. Parents are supplementing now more than ever. They do it through donations or they buy extra supplies. Recently I found a wonderful store packed with a lot of really cool products. These products would be great additions to the classroom, and they would also be perfect for home. Even if you do not homeschool, having educational activities at home will allow children to maximize their potential. We received two wonderful products from Xump in exchange for this review. The first is a Moroccan Dinosaur Tooth Fossil! It is real and authenticated. The tooth once belonged to a lizard like dinosaur called a Mosasaurus. The tooth is embedded in rock and it is a great way to get children interested! The tooth is in wonderful condition. It is packed with care to avoid damage. This specimen would be great to display and any dinosaur lover would be ecstatic over this find!
We also received a Break-Your-Own Geodes Kit. We had a lot of fun with this kit. When we opened the box, we found small geodes inside a bag. We opened it and decided to crack about half of them. One was a complete dud, but I knew there was a possibility that some geodes will not have crystal lined hollow centers. We opened a few more and were pleased with what we found. Now if you are expecting a perfect geode lined with amethyst crystals, don't get this set. But if you are trying to teach your children about rocks and geodes, this is a perfect project. The geodes are lined with clear to smokey crystals. Most crystals are very small. Some resemble a lump of wet sugar. My six year old enjoyed this project and he was able to open a few with assistance. It was a great family activity and it was educational too!

Xump has so many interesting products. They have wonderful science projects, fossils, rocks, robotics, solar cells, and so much more. If you are looking for a gift with great value, check them out. You may want to help out a teacher or classroom and pick out an assortment of projects to make learning more fun. Homeschoolers, this is a dream come true. I will be shopping here for my homeschool supplies. They are very reasonably priced and their customer service is top-notch!

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