
Wednesday, September 23, 2009


For the past few months, I have had a glimmer of hope. Just a little one, but enough to keep me going. My husband is on vacation and we are spending our days at "the house" without complaints. We call it the house because it confuses Logan when we say we are going home. We had to separate the two to avoid any mix ups. This is the third vacation that he has taken since our difficult journey began. My husband is spending this vacation the same way he spent the others. He gets up every morning and heads to the house. After I answer my emails, prepare a blog post, read to my children, and finish our homeschool lessons, we meet him and begin again. Yesterday was bittersweet. Sam is eighteen months old and yesterday was the first time he walked across our kitchen floor. I was almost moved to tears watching him explore this new space with curious delight. I was sad that it took this long to see his bare feet dance across the floors in a home that we work so hard for.I know it's only September, but for the past two months I have been singing I'll Be Home For Christmas in my head. Today the music stopped. My husband was removing a few wooden floor boards and found that our subfloor was partially ruined in one area. He is working on replacing it, but it is another setback for us. Our floor is destroyed. I suspected this, but my dear husband was in denial. It was hard to see him accept that loss. His last gift from his grandmother lay in ruins at his feet. Another test, but our faith will not waiver. I am praying for a miracle. It's a good thing I believe!Our goal is to move in by Christmas. It will be nice to pay for one home instead of two. I have a feeling this will be the most special Christmas ever. This experience has changed us all, hopefully for the better. We are closer than we have ever been and I am thankful for that. I am thankful for everything. We have a home, our health, and a wealth of happiness. We are being tested but I believe that we are given nothing that we can't handle. Hmmm. I think my song started playing again.

I'll be posting progress pictures soon!

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