
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thanks To The Dead Sea, I'm Feeling More Alive!

For about a month, I have been lots of strenuous labor. Not working out at the gym mind you, but back-breaking physical labor that has taken it's toll on me. Adovia Dead Sea Salts arrived at the perfect time. I received these salts to review and I waited for a special occasion to try them out. That special occasion came at the end of a long week, after spending days shoveling and bagging insulation and carrying out wet sheetrock...thanks to a local roofing company. I thought I'd never be able to walk normally again. I was sore and had a limp and pulled muscles to prove it. After my history with two fusions in my lower back, I was expecting a long recovery, pulling out my TENS unit and taking a few muscle relaxers. I poured two handfuls of Adovia Dead Sea Salts with Acai Berry Oil in a hot bath and allowed the water to cover me. The pulp of Acai berries have been used for centuries by the natives of Brazil for their unmatched healing and nutritional properties. They contain essential fatty acids such as Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9. There are also rich in many other vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, E, and C, minerals such as Phosphorus, Calcium, and Potassium, as well as polyphenols, anthocyanins, and phytosterols. I didn't think about these things as I laid back and let my body rest. I enjoyed the soft and subtle scent of Natural Bergamot, which is known to soften and moisturize skin.

These Bath Salts will:
- Stimulate circulation through body as well as skin
- Relieve joint/muscle aches and pains.
- Soothe and soften your skin.
- Warm and relax the muscles.
- Helps relieve lower back pain
- Relieves pain due to over exertion.
- Effective at relieving Eczema, acne, Psoriasis, muscle aches and pains

After my bath was finished, I stepped from the tub feeling rejuvenated. Oh, I still hurt, but the pain was dulled and tolerable. I tried it again the next night and noticed more improvement. Adovia Dead Sea Salts are not an overnight-quick fix, but they do make things easier. Do they work better than simple tub soaks in hot/warm water? Yes. I tried warm/hot baths on the previous nights. Adovia Dead Sea Salts are the real deal. No fancy bubbles or complex scents, no long list of ingredients full of words you can't pronounce. I have about two months of hard labor ahead so I'll definitely be buying more!

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