
Monday, June 29, 2009

It's Better Than Sleeping On Air!

How would I like to spend my afternoons? With a cool drink and a good book, lounging in the shade on a comfortable hammock. I think my baby would like the same scenario, sans the good book. He's new and hasn't picked up reading! Recently I received the coolest product! The Miyo Baby Hammock and Stand made it's way into my life and I love it so much, I'm thinking of asking them to make one for adults! Gentle rocking and swaying each time your baby stirs will send your little one back to the land of nod, giving you another hour or two of much needed sleep! The hammock is a wonderful alternative to bassinets and traditional infant cribs. It can be used with newborns and infants through 9 months. The hammock is made of 100% natural cotton. The Miyo Baby Hammock is versatile and it can be set up three different ways: with the optional Miyo Hammock Wooden Stand, the optional Love Handle Door Clamp, or the included ceiling mounts. I like the ceiling mount for the nursery and the stand in my room, tucked away in a corner. The door clamp is ideal for use in other living areas! Use it throughout your house or take it with you when you travel. It is ideal for colicky babies and it also helps to relieve reflux symptoms. The mattress is very supportive yet soft. Having a soft bed offers great benefits such as preventing flat heads, encouraging proper spinal development and it ensures that your baby stays on their back as recommended to help reduce the risk of SIDS! The Wooden Stand is elegant and graceful. I was worried that I may trip over it a time or two, but that was not the case. The only portion of the stand that I would deem hazardous is the front "leg" but as long as the hammock is hanging above it, you should not have a problem. The frame is sturdy and secure. The Miyo Baby Hammock and Stand make a beautiful set. Much more beautiful than my Moses Basket or the bassinet that came with my Pack-N-Play. If you are looking for a special place to lay your newborn's precious head, this is what you have been waiting for! The set compliments almost any decor, and it travels well! Pick up a door clamp and take the compact baby hammock to your favorite vacation spot or head over to grandmas for a few hours or an entire weekend. IThe Miyo Baby Hammock is a little pricey, but if you are looking for the best, check it out!


  1. Where did you purchase your Miyo hammock from? Were you able to find it in the U.S. or did you have to order it from overseas?

  2. Hi! I cannot find the Miyo on any site right now, but I will keep checking. If I find anyone online that has these in stock, I will post the info!
