
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bumkins Cloth Diaper Package Giveaway!

Cloth diapering is easy. The hardest part is taking the step and deciding to give it a try! Bumkins is making it easy for one lucky winner! They are giving away a wonderful package including a contour diaper, diaper cover, and diaper liners! US residents may enter by visiting Bumkins Blog! Leave a comment on the post and let them know what you think of their wonderful products or which product you would like to try! Return here and leave me a comment to let me know that you did! Follow me for an extra entry!!! Giveaway ends midnight June 30, 2009!


  1. hmmmm..I left a comment on their blog but don't see it now. Maybe it'll show up later?

    Thanks for the good review, mama!

    Rachel.East at houghton dot edu

  2. Thanks for spreading the word. I'd love some All in Ones for my boys!

  3. okay! I left a comment! great review, would love to try it!
